Technical Consultant Resume
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Rochester, NY
- A Business Technology professional with extensive technical experience in secure file transfer and strong people skills.
- More recent job history includes extensive technical experience in secure file transfer - focusing primarily on the SFTP protocol and the Sterling file transfer software.
- Certified in IBM Certified Solution Implementer - Sterling B2B Integrator V5.2. Other experience includes AS2 (http and https) protocols and other file transfer software.
- Trained clients in Sterling Integrator and Sterling File Gateway. Worked with internal and external auditors to ensure PCI, MA-201, internal data security requirements were met as needed.
- Past technical experiences focused more specifically on functions in the area of Data Security as well as Disaster/Business Recovery.
- Experienced in managing a group of people through the role of Team Lead of the Global Managed File Transfer group at Confidential .
- Possess a strong track record of developing valuable relationships with clients, business partners and vendor support.
- A history of communicating across levels, groups and companies. Strong analytical, communication, project leadership and trouble shooting skills.
Confidential, Rochester, NY
Technical Consultant
- Involvement with various File Transfer software including IBM Sterling B2B Integrator (including Perimeter servers), Sterling File Gateway (including Sterling Community Manager) as well as various protocols including SFTP, FTP, etc. Use of PGP Encryption for file transfers.
- Work with Business Process Models for IBM Sterling Integrator, use of xml related to this.
- Gain and maintain a working knowledge of systems at client sites. Advise clients on the use of File Transfer software, specifically IBM Sterling B2B Integrator software, at their sites.
- Involvement in installation, setup of Managed File Transfer software at client’s sites. Transfer knowledge to clients as needed so that they are able to maintain their own systems.
- Creation and maintenance of data transfer partnerships at client sites (financial, insurance, etc.) This included the creation of Routing Channel templates, channels, etc.
- Provide Production support for Managed File Transfer for clients as needed. This included troubleshooting Business Process issues, failed file transfer deliveries, etc.
- Creation of Managed File Transfer training documentation for clients. Conducted training for clients. Project involves creating generic documentation as well as Power Point presentation to be used in live training or webex training sessions as needed.
- Adhered to Change Management procedures as needed
Confidential, VA
Team Lead
- Served as Team Lead for Global Managed File Transfer group at Confidential . My group supported various transfer methods and software including IBM’s (formerly Sterling) GIS (Gentran Integration Suite) and Connect Enterprise, Liasion’s (formerly nuBridges’) Commerce Suite, etc.
- Performed technical functions on various file transfer software, provided technical guidance to group, distributed workload among group, liaised with clients as needed, contributed to reviews of group members, etc.
- Primary technical contact for group for internal/external auditors for PCI, MA-201, internal data security standards, etc.
- Performed admin, monitoring and troubleshooting duties for GIS software. Worked with development/maintenance team re software enhancements, fixes, etc.
- Migrated transfer setups from Commerce Suite software to GIS software.
- Represented group on a variety of project teams - including the project to migrate Confidential applications to Legacy Confidential SAP software. Ensured that all standards for file transfers were adhered to. Educated clients as to what was needed to be done and worked with them to implement what was needed. Reviewed and approved deviations to file transfer standards as needed.
- Provided training to others, created training document on the use of GIS transfer software for SFTP setups.
- Served as primary technical/support person for Legacy Confidential AS2 relationships
- Provided 24 x 7 support for Legacy Confidential AS2 and GIS SFTP-related issues.
- Played a key role in project to close down various data centers - migrate from 19 to 4 data centers. Served as primary
Technical Lead
- Provided technical leadership for file transfer portion of various projects including the SAP Migration, Commerce
- Suite’s ( Confidential ’s AS2 software) migration to new hub servers, SAP China deployment, etc.
- Served as primary support person for creation and maintenance of over 2,000 external and internal AS2 relationships.
- Installed Commerce Suite AS2 software on various systems including HP-UX, Windows, Linux, etc.
- Provided technical leadership for and maintained Commerce Suite Disaster Recovery plan
- Managed, developed and delivered training to co-workers related to the support of AS2.
- Monitored AS2 software
- Liaised continuously with vendor support so that necessary enhancements were included in their software, clients’ issues were addressed, etc.
- Created Work Instructions as needed
- Provided 24 x 7 AS2 support; Provided MQ (IBM Websphere) support as needed.
Confidential, Various Locations, PA
Sr. Technology Analyst, Consultant IT Services
- Served as the Technical lead for file transfer portion of various projects including the RAVE (Medidata) project,
- Provided primary technical support for the Secure File Transfer environment
- Worked closely with the vendor to provide suggestions for production enhancements, reporting issues, testing for issues and new releases
- Supported internal clients and business partners with documentation, testing and problem solving.
- Provided technical assistance and training to non-technical service personnel.
- Created DR plan for Commerce Suite software
- Provided Production support for AS2 and MQ-related Support tickets from the Service Center system
- Provided support for Cyclone AS2 software as well as involved with the decommissioning of the Cyclone software
- Played a key role in the creation of file transfer-related enhancements created in-house
- Created Master Protocol and new Qualification Standard documents for Commerce Suite
- Created and maintained documents related to Commerce Suite and the Commerce Suite partner software - Confidential Secure Connect. These documents included “WSC” Installation and User Guide, “cheat” sheets for partners using WSC, instructions to create partnerships, etc.
- Heavily involved in evaluation of various “Secure Data Transfer” tools, Proof of Concept, infrastructure, creation and implementation process for Commerce Suite
- Provided support to Data Security group as needed. (2002-2006)
- Additional experiences in Security and Business Recovery.
- Supported and maintained CICS, OMEGAMON II as well as several other software related to CICS on OS/390.
- Assisted in OS/390 upgrade projects
- Researched mainframe applications and documented growth/reduction in usage, life expectancy, etc. so that it could be determined what would be affected by removing mainframe from Confidential .
Security and Business Recovery
- Performed security-related daily maintenance & control functions on AS/400, DEC/CIM and ADVANTIS.
- Assisted in audits - provided information to auditors, reviewed and responded to findings as needed.
- Assisted or led in the planning and implementation of various security enhancements (RJE security, migration of TSO uads to RACF, etc.) on the mainframe as well as other platforms
- Performed audit and control functions on mainframe, AS/400 and DEC/CIM platforms
- Reviewed, recommended products that assisted in and decreased the amount of administrative time in RACF
- Assisted in DR planning and testing