Lead Developer Resume
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Houston, TX
- Experienced Senior Technical Writer with over 10 years experience at increasing levels of responsibility as technical trainer, curriculum developer, and technical editor.
- Background in curriculum development and course delivery as an analog/digital system technician and test design engineer. Latest projects include analog/digital and pneumatic/hydraulic circuits of an advanced blowout preventer for a world leading oil and gas firm.
- Quick learner with keen focus on following company policies to make sure writing projects meet requirements for correctness, consistency, and controlled distribution. Developed and supervised technical projects including:
- Developed and delivered curricula for technical subjects used in a classroom setting using Microsoft tools such as PowerPoint
- Training and technical documentation programs: Arbortext HTML and Windchill PDMLink, Adobe Acrobat, Word, Excel.
- Ability to interpret schematic diagrams and diverse source materials.
- Designed flow charts to facilitate maintenance tasks or to isolate faults based on team meetings with subject matter experts and project stakeholders
- Scripting hands - on lab using adult learning theories to enhance results and improve analytics such as end-user feedbacks.
- Organize engineering review meetings to clarify project deadlines and objectives to ensure timeliness and accuracy of deliverables
Confidential, Houston, TX
Lead Developer
- Member of technical publications team which increased user manuals production by 100% yearly without an increase in team size
- Designed a process to decrease engineering time and project vetting costs by task analysis and interviews of subject matter experts
- Recipient of numerous performance awards for various projects from management and end customers
- Contributed articles to engineering database to capture best practice knowledge
- Held numerous lunch and learn sessions to share technical knowledge with team members and greatly increase accuracy and proficiency
- Assembled world-class Mux BOP Control System for safe and highly-effective hands on troubleshooting by students from diverse electrical and subsea backgrounds
- Recipient of numerous performance awards for various projects from management and high instructor ratings by end customers
- Strong contributor to contents used by training department and provide technical audits of draft manuals from documentation team
Confidential, Cypress, TX
dBase Support Analyst
- Maintained 24-hour on-call availability for clients
- Personal goal of 100% end client satisfaction rate
Confidential, Santa Clara, CA
Technical Training Director
- Applied ADDIE principle of instructional design and adult learning theories to coursework Analysis, Design, and Development
- Documented and analyze student feedbacks and outcomes during the Implementation and Evaluation phase of ADDIE
- Evaluated documentation tools such as Framemaker and Adobe Creative Suite
Technical Instructor
- Improved flow of training material and implemented controls to make sure released documents to students are factually accurate
- Achieved personal goal of 100% student satisfaction rate by providing extensive pre and post graduation support
Confidential, Austin, TX
Escalation Support Specialist
- Represented Apple at the Women Rights NGO event held in Beijing, China in 1995 and talent recruitment fairs at Texas universities.
- Selected to provide technical knowledge to establish passing benchmark for the first CompTIA A+ Service Technician Certification in MacOS-based computers.