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Senior Technical Writer Resume Profile

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Dan Fox: Senior Technical Writer


  • Strong experience researching, writing, editing, and producing technical publications, including
  • Engineering, software, hardware, compliance, and end-user documentation
  • Web-interactive documentation and help for both standard and mobile platforms


  • Electronic Publishing: FrameMaker 11, Microsoft Office, Word, Visio, PhotoShop, PaintShop Pro, SnagIt, HTML, XML, Illustrator, PowerPoint, InDesign, Acrobat Pro, Sharepoint, Visual Studio, PerForce, Agile environment
  • Web Design: Dreamweaver, Net Objects Fusion
  • Help: Madcap Flare, RoboHelp 10
  • Languages: C, C , Visual Basic, Visual C , SGML, Java, JavaScript
  • Operating Systems: Windows 7, Linux, UNIX



  • Manufactures blood-management solutions for medical professionals.
  • Researched, wrote, and produced new versions of user's guides for eBDS Oxygen Analyzer and accompanying DATA-5 software, as well as service manuals for various products.
  • Audience: Medical professionals.

Environment: FrameMaker 11, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Acrobat Pro on a Windows 7 platform.


  • Manufactures risk-based identity and access-management products.
  • Researched, wrote, and produced a user's guide and help system for Courion's Access Insight Solution, a web-based software product that enables companies to detect and manage risk. Worked in an Agile environment.
  • Audience: System administrators.

Environment: FrameMaker 11, RoboHelp 10, Acrobat Pro, and Visual Studio on a Windows 7 platform.


  • Manufactures robotic physical-therapy devices.
  • As the only writer, researched, wrote, and produced a physical therapy guide and programmer's guide for Interactive's PT robot.
  • Audience: Physical therapists, internal technicians, and programmers.

Environment: Word 10, Visio, and PhotoShop on a Windows 7 platform.


  • As the only writer, researched, wrote, and produced a user's guide and help system for SCOPE, a web-based loan-processing product.
  • Audience: Boston Private Bank loan officers and management.

Environment: Word 10, Acrobat, and Madcap Flare 8 on a Windows 7 platform.


  • A petroleum marketing distributor.
  • As the only writer, researched, wrote, and produced Sarbanes-Oxley SOX PDI Compliance documentation. PDI is a software product for use in convenience-store operation. The documents provide Global's policies and procedures, which ensure SOX compliance.
  • Audience: Global IT engineers and technicians, PDI users, and auditors.

Environment: Word, Acrobat, Visio, Excel, and SharePoint on a Windows Vista platform.


  • Provides IT support for Cumberland Farms computer networks, both in stores and at company headquarters.
  • Researched, wrote, and produced PCI-compliance policies and procedures for CF's internal network.
  • Audience: Cumberland Farms IT engineers and technicians.

Environment: FrameMaker 9, Acrobat, and Visio, on a Windows Vista platform.


Provides mobile advertising solutions.

  • As the only writer at this startup, researched, wrote, and produced a complete documentation set and help system for software that enables client companies, such as AT T, to place ads on mobile phones.
  • Documentation included an Ad Spot Management Guide, Ad Campaign Management Guide, Handset Management Guide, and Product Operations Guide.
  • Audience: Client technical staff, including system operators and marketing personnel.

Environment: Word, FrameMaker 8, SnagIt, MadCap Flare, Acrobat, and Visio, on a Vista platform.


Manufactures an Enterprise Search Engine ESE .

  • Wrote a developer's guide that enables developers to modify the ESE so that end users can determine where their target documents are located, index the content they need, and return the most useful search results. The manual describes ESE Java APIs and explains their use.
  • Audience: ESE developers.

Environment: FrameMaker 8, RoboHelp, Word, Photoshop, and Acrobat on a Windows XP/pro platform.


  • Manufactures investment-management software for the financial industry.
  • Researched and wrote a major rewrite of Omgeo's Connect Integration Guide. Connect software integrates and manages after-trade functions.
  • Audience: Investment managers.

Environment: FrameMaker 8, Word, Acrobat, and Visio on a Windows XP platform.


  • Manufactures a 64-processor multicore chip and accompanying circuit board.
  • Researched, wrote, and produced both hardware and software engineering documents for a proprietary multicore processor chip.
  • Audience: Chip and software developers.

Environment: FrameMaker 7.2, Word, Photoshop, Acrobat, and Visio on a Windows XP/pro platform.


  • Manufactures digital network mass-storage systems.
  • As the only writer at this startup, researched, wrote, and produced complete user and developer documentation for the Archivas mass-storage product.
  • Audience: Internal development and QA engineers, service personnel, and system administrators.

Environment: FrameMaker, Visio, and Photoshop on Windows XP/pro and Linux environments.


  • Manufactures Siteminder, a network security and identity-management software product.
  • Researched and wrote a document that describes the principles of identity management and the relationship of the Netegrity suite of products to these principles.
  • Audience: IT decision makers.

Environment: Word, Office, FrameMaker 7.1, Excel, ClearCase, and Visio on a Windows XP/Pro platform.

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