We provide IT Staff Augmentation Services!

Technical Writer Resume Profile

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Seymour, CT


Extensive experience creating and managing online help systems, Web sites, user manuals, support documents, and marketing and advertising materials for a wide variety of application software for many different industries. Experience working on teams or as the sole writer for application development and quality assurance groups, product managers, and marketing managers. Strengths include excellent writing skills, the ability to quickly learn new systems and applications, manage multiple simultaneous tasks and projects, and work effectively with both technical and non-technical colleagues.



Technical Writer

Working for CSC as part of a technical writing team available to to assist various internal CSC project teams and business units with projects requiring technical documentation.


Technical Writer

IPC Edited and rebranded third-party documentation for software purchased by IPC for integration with their existing documentation set edited and formatted original installation and configuration instructions. GE Capital Wrote, illustrated, and edited three user manuals for portfolio management, risk simulation, and deal creation applications for energy infrastructure debt and equity investments. frevvo, Inc. Wrote and edited online user manuals for a Web forms software application.


Documentation Specialist / QA Analyst

Wrote, edited, and illustrated operations support documents and user guides for market risk and P L reporting systems and data viewer/maintenance applications for JPM global commodity trading group tested market risk report applications functionality and performance. J.P. Morgan Chase acquired most assets of RBS Sempra Commodities in July 2010.

RBS Sempra Commodities

Documentation Specialist / Web Administrator

Wrote, edited, and illustrated online help systems for internally-developed applications for commodities trading systems, including deal creation and approval systems, invoice viewing and editing applications, and CRM and risk management applications. Created, edited, and maintained Microsoft Outlook forms used by IT groups and front, middle and back office staff. Administered, updated, and maintained two RBS Sempra Intranet sites.

Contract Technical Writer

Technical Writer

News America Marketing Proofed, edited, formatted and tracked changes to systems documentation produced by business analysts. Neopost Wrote, illustrated, and edited installation and configuration guides for mail postage and metering hardware and software. Supply Insight Wrote and edited user manuals for wireless RFID inventory tracking and location mapping applications.


Senior Technical Writer

Wrote, edited, and illustrated user guides for parallel and shared-memory software products wrote and edited marketing materials and press releases updated Web site content.


Senior Documentation Specialist

Wrote, edited, and illustrated online help, print documentation, and training guides for a suite of business process modeling and integration tools wrote and edited marketing materials, case studies, and press releases.


Manager, Documentation

Created and maintained Windows Help for a PC radio client application wrote and edited content for the Customer Support Website and e-mail wrote and edited engineering design specifications and marketing and sales material.


Manager, Documentation

Designed, wrote, edited, and illustrated online help and end-user and engineering documentation for home banking and financial transaction processing software managed all company documentation projects and technical writers.


Supervisor, Technical Writing

Designed, wrote, edited, and illustrated online help and print documentation for marine industry inventory, maintenance, personnel, and communications software managed all company documentation projects.


Senior Technical Writer

Wrote, edited, and illustrated user documentation for film and video painting software.


Documentation/Test Specialist

Wrote, edited, and illustrated user guides and online help for 2D digital imaging, composition, and retouching software.


Lead Technical Writer

Designed, wrote, edited, and illustrated user documentation and marketing and advertising materials for CASE software.


Technical Writer

Wrote and edited user documentation and product design specifications for graphics and presentation products.

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