Websphere Administrator Resume
Columbus, OH
- Over 7 years of progressive IT experience in administration, maintenance, integration, automation, troubleshooting of DevOps/ Build and Release Engineer, Middleware - WebSphere Application Server, JBoss EAP, Apache Tomcat, IBM HTTP Server, Apache HTTP Server, IIS Web Server, WebSphere MQ, Jenkins, GIT, Python, WMQ, Active MQ CA SiteMinder on Solaris, AIX, Linux and Windows environments.
- Experience in installing and configuring IBM HTTP Server 6.x/7.x/8.x/8.5.x with Local and Remote Plug-in for IBM WebSphere Application Server.
- I n st a ll ed a nd con f i gur ed V e r t i c a l and H o r i z o n t a l c l u s t e r i ng f or I B M W e b S ph e r e Application Server 6.1/7.0/8.0/8.5 .
- Experience in Build/Release Engineering for automating, building, releasing and configuring changes from one environment to other environment.
- Experience in using version controller tools like Subversion (SVN), GIT, IBM Clear case and CA Harvest SCM.
- Extensively worked on Jenkins and Team City for continuous integration and for End to End automation for all build and deployments.
- Experience with JBOSS, Tomcat and Apache HTTP Server infrastructure. Configured mod jk to connect to the Tomcat container and mod cluster to connect to JBoss EAP 6.
- Experience in compiling Apache HTTP Server for various customizations requested by application and security teams.
- Experience in configuring Virtual Hosts for collocating multiple sites for lower environments and writing rewrite rules using mod rewrite in Apache HTTP Server 2.x
- Extensively used build utilities like Maven, ANT for building of jar, war, bar and ear files.
- Extensive experience in optimization of Enterprise Applications using WebSphere Application Server(WAS) 8.5.x/7.x/6.x, Workload Management(WLM), EJB, JAAS, Oracle, LDAP, DB2 LUW on AIX and Solaris.
- Hands on experience in migrating the existing configuration and applications from WAS 6.x, 7.0 and 8.5 on Sun Solaris, AIX operating system environments.
- Developed many JACL, Jython, ANT, Perl, WSADMIN scripts and Shell scripts to automate the maintenance process of the WebSphere and recovered the backup WebSphere configuration using XMLConfig tool.
- Experience with automated builds and deployments to multiple UAT environments as well as Production.
- Excellent experience with Chef, Jenkins for the continuous integration and configuration management process.
- Experience in configuration of global security for WebSphere Application Server using SUN ONE Directory Server as LDAP user registry.
- Expertise in configuring CA Wily introscope agents onto various applications servers like JBoss, Tomcat and WebSphere.
- Experience with Performance monitoring tools like Nagios, Splunk, Tivoli Performance Viewer and Wily Introscope for monitoring and tuning the WebSphere/JBoss/Tomcat environment like configuring Heap/Thread pool/Connection pool sizes, Session Management, etc.
- Hands on experience with Secured Socket Layer (SSL), creating self-signed certificates, Generating certificate requests, Import/Export certificates and creating key databases
- Experience in setting up of Nodes, Data Sources, Virtual Hosts, configuring Servlet Engines, Session Managers including planning installation and configuration of WebSphere Application Server Trace Service.
- Experience in installation and configuration of WebSphere MQ queues, channels, and listeners.
- Configured Queue Connections Factories, Queue Definitions, and Listener Ports in order to provide connectivity to Enterprise MQ infrastructure.
- Successful implementations of Workload Management (WLM) using cloning and clustering techniques including Horizontal, Vertical and Dynamic Clustering for failover and backup/recovery processes.
- Worked closely with Load testing team to identify performance bottlenecks using Load Runner, Jprobe, and Tivoli Performance Viewer.
- Worked on various JDBC providers like DB2, Oracle and MS SQL Server.
- Worked closely with various teams like Project management, development, testing and production team to align project deliverables, dates and report issues/concerns.
- Provided on-call support by 24x7 oncall rotation basis using BMC Remedy and monitored trouble ticket queues to attend user and system calls.
Operating Systems: AIX 4.3/5.x,7.x, Linux (Red Hat 6.x/7.x/8.0), Sun Solaris 7.x/8.x, Win NT/ 2000/2003/2008/2012, HP-UX.
Languages: C, C++, Java, JavaScript, HTML, JAVA, VRML 2.0, SQL, My SQL, PL/SQL
Web Technologies: JSP, Servlets, EJB, RMI, JAAS, JMS, XML, XSLT.
Tools: Resource Analyzer, Log Analyzer, Jenkins, Hudson, Chef, Puppet
RDBMS: Oracle 10g/11g, MS SQL Server2000, DB2
Applicaton Servers: WebSphere Application Server 5.x/6.x/7.x/8.x/8.5.x.
WebServers: Apache, IBM HTTP Server, Sun One WebServer, Microsoft IIS
Networking: HTTP, TCP/IP, SNA, DNS, LAN, WAN, SSH, DHCP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, LDAP, Samba, VPN solutions, MS Proxy Server 2.0.
Scripting Languages: Shell Scripting, Perl, Jacl, Jython
Confidential, Columbus, OH
WebSphere Administrator
- Installed, configured and administered IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0/8.0/8.5, IBM HTTP Server 7.0/8.0/8.5 on Linux, AIX/Windows platform.
- Installed and configured Tomcat Application server 7.0 and Apache 2.2 and 2.4 on Unix, Linux platform.
- Installed and configured CA identity Manager 12.6 SP4 on WebSphere 8.0.
- Created cases with CA support and worked closely with CA support to solve the issues.
- Implemented Workload Management (WLM) using clustering techniques including horizontal and Vertical.
- Responding to system warnings, alerts, and errors, and diagnoses and resolves system problems including managing the Web site, monitors performance, and manages load balancing tasks.
- Installed latest fix patches for WebSphere Application Server.
- Troubleshooting errors both Application & JVM also analyzed heap/core plus error logs and configured tuned JVM for optimum performance.
- Configured WebSphere Application Server resources like JDBC Data Sources, JDBC Providers and Connection Pooling to connect to the DB2, Oracle and SQL.
- Worked on setting up of Nodes, Data Sources, Virtual Hosts, configuring Servlet Engines, Session Managers including planning installation and configuration of WebSphere Application Server Trace Service.
- Worked on configuring WebSphere MQ queues, channels, and listeners.
- Configured Queue Connections Factories, Queue Definitions, and Listener Ports in order to provide connectivity to Enterprise MQ infrastructure.
- Configured Global security for WebSphere Application Server using Microsoft Active Directory as LDAP user registry and used Federated repository.
- Configured IBM HTTP Server for various clustered application servers using virtual hosting and enabled SSL security.
- Configured Tivoli Performance Viewer and ITCAM to monitor the performance.
- Used configuration management tools Chef for the continuous integration and deploy.
- Identify and troubleshoot incidents during deployments and report to Application Support Teams.
- Extensive experience maintaining and working with subversion SVN by creating branches, merges etc.
- Implemented Hudson (now called Jenkins) for Continuous Integration Builds, automated deployments and Notifications.
- Worked with Puppet Manifest files to deploy automated tasks to many servers at once.
- Developed scripts in Ruby to package log files and send them to a remote server.
- Manage all CM tools (JIRA, Confluence, SVN, Maven, Jenkins, ANT, Git, GitHub, Visual Studio) and their usage / process ensuring traceability, repeatability, quality, and support.
- Re architect a legacy SVN repository from pure script dependency and no representation of releases to clear direction regarding where code resides and the difference between releases.
- Experience in downloading pre-written modules through Puppet Forge, building Custom Puppet Classes and Puppet Modules.
- Experience in Puppet DSL and Puppet Resource Types and their relationships.
- Experience in Administering and Maintenance of Puppet Master, Puppet Nodes and their SSL certificates.
- Managing Linux infrastructure using single, integrated tools for efficiency, speed such as Puppet/Cfengine.
- Deployment of syslog server and client configurations through version control (subversion) managing through Puppet.
- Automating AWS infrastructure via Puppet, Docker, and Jenkins - software and services configuration via Puppet Modules development on Docker containers.
- Experience with integration of Maven project into Eclipse and also PL/SQL.
- Used Verum tool and Puppet to build the servers as per the requirement.
- Experience working on ANT build scripts and integration of ANT with Jenkins.
- Troubleshooting Admin Server start-up issues, Java code defects after deployment, and classpath issues by checking the JVM logs, plug-in logs and the web server logs.
- Performed routine management of WebSphere Environment like monitoring Disk Space, CPU Utilization and resolved dynamic cache problems .
- Created IBM PMRs and worked closely with IBM for resolving multiple issues.
Environment: IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.x/8.x/8.5.xTomcat 7.0, Apache 2.2,2.4, MicroSoft IIS 7/8.5, Linux, AIX, Sun Solaris, Jenkins, Hudson, IHS Web Server 7.x/8.x/8.5.x, Tivoli Performance Viewer, IBM Support Assistant
Confidential, Buffalo, NY
WebSphere Administrator
- Installed, configured and administered IBM WebSphere Application Server 6.0/ 6.1/7.0/8.0/8.5, IBM HTTP Server 6.1/7.0/8.0/8.5 on Linux, AIX/Windows platform.
- Installed and configured Adobe LiveCycle ES2 and ES4 on IBM WebSPhere Application Server 7.x and 8.5.x respectively.
- Succ e ss f ul i mpl e m e n t a tions of Wo r k l o ad M a n ag e m e n t (W L M) us ing c l u s t e r i n g t e chn i q u es i n c luding H o r i z o n t a l, V er t i c al and Dynamic .
- Experienced in configuring On Demand Routers (ODR) in WebSphere 8.5.5 using Dynamic cluster. Created multiple Node Groups to allocate regular nodes and ODR nodes.
- Installed Dynatrace agent and configured in WebSphere JVM’s to capture load chart.
- Created Dashboards in Dynatrace for different applications to monitor application load.
- Monitored dashboards specific to applications regularly.
- R e s p on s i b le f or deploying e n t e rpr i se appli c a tions f rom Adm in con s o le for W i nd o w s and Linux platforms.
- Responding to system warnings, alerts, and errors, and diagnoses and resolves system problems including managing the Web site, monitors performance, and manages load balancing tasks.
- I n st a l led latest f ix pa t ches and Java f or W e b Sp h e r e A p p l i c a t i o n S er v er.
- Enabled global security for the Admin Console and application components.
- Experienced in configuring SSL certificates and troubleshooting SSL issues.
- T r o u b l e s h oo t i n g e rr o rs bo th App l i c a ti on & J V M a l so a n a lyz ed he ap/ c o re plus e rr or logs - con f i gur ed tuned J V M f or opti m um p e rf o r m a n c e.
- Provided suppo rt to w ide v ar i e ty of appl i c a tions in a d ive r se s e tup whi ch i n c l uded W A S 6. 1 .0. 47, 7.x, 8.x and 8.5.x & D o c u m ent ed on A I X & W i nd o w s pl a t f o r m.
- Stayed U p d a t ed on the L a t e st F i x - p a c k s.
- R e gul ar ly a tt ended m ee t i ngs on be h a lf of Middl e w are T e am & c o - o rdi n a te w i th di f f e r e nt t e a ms f or t a sk a ccom p l i shm e n t.
- Configured W e b S p h e re A p p l i c a t i o n S er v e r r e s our c es like J D B C D a t a S o u r c e s, J D B C P r o v i d er s and C o nn e c t i o n P o o li n g to conne ct to the D B2, Oracle and SQL.
- Worked on setting up of Nodes, Data Sources, Virtual Hosts, configuring Servlet Engines, Session Managers including planning installation and configuration of WebSphere Application Server Trace Service.
- Worked on configuring WebSphere MQ queues, channels, and listeners.
- Configured Queue Connections Factories, Queue Definitions, and Listener Ports in order to provide connectivity to Enterprise MQ infrastructure.
- P r ov ided l evel 3 suppo rt f or H i gh V i s i b i li ty appli c a tions f or s eve ral di ff e r e nt t e a ms a nd prov ided root c ause a n a l y s is f or n u m e r ous appli c a tions in c r i t i c al st age of P r o j ec ts
- Cl o s e l y f a m i li ar w i th the i ss u es and r e s o lut ions of m a i n t a i n ing an E n t e rpr i se M a n ager bo th as a s t a nd a l one a nd a l so in a c lust e r ed envi ronm ent.
- Configured Global security for WebSphere Application Server using Microsoft Active Directory as LDAP user registry and federated repository.
- Configured HTTP Server for various clustered application servers using virtual hosting and enabled SSL security.
- Experience in using configuration management tools like Puppet/ Chef and experience supporting Chef Environment.
- Create Release documentation (Implementation/ Release Plans/ Runbooks) and coordinate with the management and revision of Release Notes describing the changes associated with a given release.
- I was also the driving force for implementing Jira and confluence for ticket and issue tracking, Chef to aid with our deployment process.
- Administer JIRA issue tracking system.
- Creation of Release Plan, Definition, collection, analysis & presentation of Release Project Metrics on weekly basis.
- Developed automation and deployment utilities using Ruby, Bash, Powershell, Python and Rundeck.
- Designed and developed automated deployment and scaling processes based on Vagrant and Chef for a wide range of server types and application tiers, including Elasticsearch, and Zend PHP and IIS Clusters.
- Wrote custom monitoring and integrated monitoring methods into deployment processes to develop self-healing solutions.
- Created automation and deployment templates for relational and nosql databases (standalone and RDS), including MSSQL, Mysql, MongoDB, Redis and Neo4j.
- Used Tivoli Performance Viewer and ITCAM to monitor the performance.
- Used IBM Support Assistant (ISA) Tool to analyze Heap dumps, Plugin config, Gather system information etc to tune the WebSphere JVMs.
- Troubleshooting Admin Server start-up issues, Java code defects after deployment, and classpath issues by checking the JVM logs, plug-in logs and the web server logs.
- Developed JYTHON, SHELL (K-Shells/Bash) scripts and setting up cron job to rotate logs for every week.
- Used Jenkins, Build forge for Continuous Integration and deployment into Tomcat Application Server.
- Configured and automated the Jenkins Build jobs for Continuous Integration.
- Developed WSadmin Automated Scripts for Installing WebSphere, FixPack, Plugin and IBM HTTPServer.
- Experienced in using LDAP to restrict application access through IHS for specific users.
- Configured Virtual Hosts for collocating multiple sites for lower environments and writing rewrite rules using mod rewrite in IBM HTTPServer and Apache HTTP Server 2.x
- Worked on troubleshooting applications using logs, traces, Log Analyzer, ISA tool and Tivoli Performance Viewer.
- Worked closely with load testing team monitored WebSphere JVM memory, CPU, Database thread pool count using PMI.
- Worked closely with Vendors and developers for troubleshooting application issues.
- Performed routine management of WebSphere Environment like monitoring Disk Space, CPU Utilization and resolved dynamic cache problems .
- Created IBM PMRs and worked closely with IBM for resolving multiple issues.
- Experienced in installing Microsoft IIS and created Application sites, Application pools and deployed application code.
- Worked closely with .Net developers in troubleshooting application issues.
- Providing 24/7 on call support for deployments as well as application support.
Environment: IBM WebSphere Application Server 6.x/7.x/8.x/8.5.x, IBM WebSphere MQ 5.x/6.x/7.x, Adobe ColdFusion 10/11, Adobe LiveCycle ES2/ES4, JBoss 5.0/4.x, Tomcat 6.0, Apache 2.2,2.4, MicroSoft IIS 7/8.5, Linux, AIX, Sun Solaris, IHS Web Server 6.1,7.x/8.x/8.5.x, Tivoli Performance Viewer, IBM Support Assistant, Oracle 10g/11g, SQL, DB2.
Confidential, Westbrook, ME
WebSphere Administrator
- Installed, configured and administered IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0 on AIX, Linux and Sun Solaris systems.
- Installed and configured IBM HTTP Server 6.0/7.0, Apache and plug-in in development, testing, staging and production environment.
- Configured WebSphere resources like JDBC providers, JDBC data sources, connection pooling, JMS, session management and virtual hosts.
- D e p loyi ng appl i c a tion in W AS using adm in Con sole and a l so t h r o ugh s c r ipts.
- I m p l e m ent e d, C l u s t er i n g, P e r f o r m a n c e t un i n g and t r ouble shoo ting of I BM W e b Sp h er e A pp l i c a t i o n S er v e r 5..1/ 6 .0
- C onf i gur ed w eb s e rve rs po r ts a nd vi r tual ho st ba s ed on ne t w o rk l o ad ba l a n c ed U R L ’ s.
- I n st a ll ed a nd m a i n t a ined m u l t iple I B M H TT P s e rver i n st a n c es and m a n aged W A S pl u g - in con f i gura t ion s. U p g raded App l i c a ti ons w i th v ar i ous pa t ch f i l es ( J SP ' s, C l a ss f i l e s, c h anging v ar i ous pr o p e r ti es & p r o p e r ty f il e s)
- T r o u b l e s h oo t i n g v ar i ous pr obl e ms in di f f e r e nt st ages of deve l o p m e nt using log f i l es and w i th coo rdi n a tion f rom deve lop m e nt t e a m s.
- Involved in tuning t r oubl e s hoo t ing appli c a tion using w i l y i n tr o s c o p e.
- Mon i t o r ing W AS pe r f o r m ance t h r o ugh T ivoli P e r f o r m a n ce V i e w er and tuni ng the s y s t em - c ac h ing, q u e u ing, J VM pa r a m e t e r s, DB C onnec t i on Pooli ng.
- W r o te She ll and X ML bui ld s c r ipts f or v ar i ous aut o m a tions a nd r e p o r ts, e t c.
- Experience with JBOSS, Tomcat and Apache HTTP Server infrastructure. Configured mod jk to connect to the Tomcat container and mod cluster to connect to JBoss EAP 6.
- Involved in compiling Apache HTTP Server for various customizations requested by application and security teams.
- W o rked w i th a T e am f or S t r e ss t e sts, P e r f o r m ance t e sts a nd ide n ti f i ed the bo t t l enec ks of the appl i c a ti on s, a nd s et up v ar i ous m oni t o r ing a l e r ts us i ng W i l y I n tr o s c o p e 6.
- P e r f o r m ance tuned the appl i c a tions by i mpl e m e n t ing ho r i zon t al a nd ve r t i c al s c a ling.
- C onf i gure SSL f or W eb S e rve rs a nd L DA P S e cur i ty for W ebSphe re using I BM D i r e c t o ry s e rve r.
- Configured MDB listeners and ports for specific applications using message listener service.
- Installed and configured Apache webserver with Jboss using Mod jk plugin.
- Created SSL KeyStores, certificates & trustStores for browsers to access Apache through HTTPS.
- Involved in resolving the Salesforce.com trouble tickets and attended the system calls.
- Involved in monitoring the various applications using Wily Introscope 7.2.
- Installed Fixpacks, eFixes, and cumulative fixes to the existing infrastructure and new environment.
- Involved in troubleshooting application server, web server and plug-in logs and analyzed them using Log Analyzer in case of any critical issues.
- Used utilities like Maven, ANT for building of jar, war, bar and ear files
- Involved in writing JYTHON, SHELL (K-Shells/Bash) scripts and setting up cron job to rotate logs for every week.
- Involved in configuring Virtual Hosts for collocating multiple sites for lower environments and writing rewrite rules using mod rewrite in Apache HTTP Server 2.x
- Involved in assisting QA team in Load and Integration testing of J2EE applications on WebSphere Application Server.
- Providing 24/7 on call support for deployments as well as application support.
Environment: IBM WebSphere Application Server 6.x/7.x, IBM WebSphere Portal Server 6.x/7.x, IBM WebSphere MQ 5.x/6.x/7.x, JBoss 5.0/4.x, Tomcat 6.0, Apche 2.2, IBM DB2,Linux, AIX, Sun Solaris, Sun ONE Directory Server 5.1, IHS Web Server 6.1, Tivoli Performance Viewer, Wily Introscope 7.x, Oracle 10g, Sybase, DB2.
Confidential, Richmond, VA
WebSphere Administrator
- Installed, configured and administered IBM WebSphere Application Server 6.0/6.1/7.0/8.0, IBM HTTP Server 6.1/7.0/8.0 on Linux, AIX/Windows platform.
- Succ e ss f ul i mpl e m e n t a tions of Wo r k l o ad M a n ag e m e n t (W L M) us ing c l u s t e r i n g t e chn i q u es i n c luding H o r i z o n t a l and V er t i c al .
- R e s p on s i b le f or deploying e n t e rpr i se appli c a tions f rom Adm in con s o le and e n abling s ecur i ty using S i t e m i nd e r a n d L DA P f or a d m in con sole and appli c a tion com pone n ts on W i nd o w s .
- Involved in i n t e g ra t ing in W i l y I n t r o s c o p e S O A pow er pa ck.
- Responding to system warnings, alerts, and errors, and diagnoses and resolves system problems including managing the Web site, monitors performance, and manages load balancing tasks.
- Involved in i n st a l ling the latest f ix pa t ches f or W e b Sp h e r e A p p l i c a t i o n S er v er.
- Collect the new technologies and tools, and introduced them to the company; in which way it helped the company build up an agile development environment. It improved the product quantity and the work efficiency.
- Brought cloud technology to share the documents with over hundred customers in a training session. It saved the budget for printing and brought the efficiency for cooperation work; they can share the documents with editor team instantly.
- Enabled global security for the Admin Console and application components.
- T r o u b l e s h oo t i n g e rr o rs bo th App l i c a ti on & J V M a l so a n a lyz ed he ap/ c o re plus e rr or logs - con f i gur ed tuned J V M f or opti m um p e rf o r m a n c e.
- Involved pr oviding suppo rt to w ide v ar i e ty of appl i c a tions in a d ive r se s e tup whi ch i n c l uded W A S 6. 1 .0. 13 and 7.0.x & D o c u m ent ed on A I X & W i nd o w s pl a t f o r m.
- Stayed U p d a t ed on the L a t e st F i x - p a c k s.
- I n t e g ra t ed Expe r i enc ed in s e tting up i n t e g ra t ed s e cur i ty a cc e ss to the p o r t al and S ingle S ign - On to o ther appli c a tion s.
- R e gul ar ly a tt ended m ee t i ngs on be h a lf of Middl e w are T e am & c o - o rdi n a te w i th di f f e r e nt t e a ms f or t a sk a ccom p l i shm e n t.
- Involved in con f i gura t i on of W e b S p h e re A p p l i c a t i o n S er v e r r e s our c es like J D B C D a t a S o u r c e s, J D B C P r o v i d er s and C o nn e c t i o n P o o li n g to conne ct to the D B2.
- P r ov ided l evel 3 suppo rt f or H i gh V i s i b i li ty appli c a tions f or s eve ral di ff e r e nt t e a ms a nd prov ided root c ause a n a l y s is f or n u m e r ous appli c a tions in c r i t i c al st age of P r o j ec ts
- W as O n - C a ll on a r o t a t ion al ba s is to suppo rt a ppli c a tion t e a ms if r e qui r ed be t r i a g ing i ss u es using w ily i n t r o s cope or t r oubl e shoo ting any env i ronm ent al i ss u es on w h i ch w i ly i n t r os c o pe w as ho s t e d.
- Cl o s e l y f a m i li ar w i th the i ss u es and r e s o lut ions of m a i n t a i n ing an E n t e rpr i se M a n ager bo th as a s t a nd a l one a nd a l so in a c lust e r ed envi ronm ent
- W o rked on i n st a l ling E P a g e n t s to moni t or t he s e rver pe rf o r m a n ce if not just t he appl i c a ti on s e rve rs but a l so d a t aba se s e rve rs in some c a s e s.
- Configured Global security for WebSphere Application Server using SUN ONE Directory Server as LDAP user registry.
- Involved in configuring the HTTP Server for various clustered application servers using virtual hosting and enabled SSL security.
- Used Tivoli Performance Viewer and ITCAM to monitor the performance.
- Used Heap Analyzer and Thread Analyzer to tune the WebSphere JVMs.
- Tuned the JVMs by analyzing the must gather information for Application Server Hangs.
- Troubleshooting Admin Server start-up issues, Java code defects after deployment, and classpath issues by checking the JVM logs, plug-in logs and the web server logs.
- Worked on troubleshooting applications using logs, traces, Log Analyzer and Tivoli Performance Viewer.
- Performed routine management of WebSphere Environment like monitoring Disk Space, CPU Utilization and resolved dynamic cache problems .
- Created IBM PMRs and worked closely with IBM for resolving multiple issues.
- Involved in writing JYTHON, SHELL (K-Shells/Bash) scripts and setting up cron job to rotate logs for every week.
- Involved in writing WSadmin Automated Scripts for Installing WebSphere, FixPack, Plugin and IBM HTTPServer.
- Providing 24/7 on call support for deployments as well as application support.
Environment: WebSphere Application Server 6.1, Linux, WebSphere MQ, SUN Solaris, IBM HTTP Server, IBM Directory Server, AIX, Java, JDK 1.3-1.4, JSP, EJB, UML, XML, SQL, JavaScript, Jython, Apache 2.2, Tivoli Performance Viewer, SUN ONE Directory and Access Manager, DB2 and Oracle.
WebSphere Administrator - Intenship
- Installation, Configuration and Administration of IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0/6.0 and IBM HTTPServer 7.0/6.0 on Unix, Linux, Windows and AIX.
- Deploying, Configuring and administering Java Applications on WebSphere and Apache Servers on Linux, Windows and UNIX platforms.
- Experience in deploying maintaining and troubleshooting of applications and portlets in highly available, Load balanced production environments.
- Proficient in developing scripts using Jython, Python, JACL, and ANT to automate WebSphere Application Server Administration and deployment tasks such as JVM Configuration, J2EE application deployment, EAR/WAR installation, and taking automatic environment backups.
- Installing and Upgrading Fix Packs to the existing configuration and applications to the latest versions for IBM WebSphere Application Server.
- Involved in configuration of WebSphere Application Server resources like JDBC Data Sources, JDBC providers for connecting DB2, Oracle and SQL.
- Creating SSL Certificates and CA Certificates using IKEYMAN. Configuring SSL using self-signed certificates and CA certificates between WebSphere Application Servers and Webserver, Webserver and browser, WebSphere Application Server and LDAP Server.
- Enabled global security for the Admin Console and application components.
- Installing, Configuring, Patching, Tuning, Restarting Services and applications.
Environment: IBM WebSphere Application Server 6.x/7.x, Linux, AIX, Solaris, IHS Web Server 6.x/7.x.