Mq/websphere Administrator Resume
Auburn Hills, MI
- More than 8 years of professional experience in Enterprise Application Integration using IBM WebSphere MQ and WebSphere Message Broker ( IIB ) . Involved in Installation, configuration, upgrading, development, remote technical support, troubleshooting and system administration of WebSphere MQ, WebSphere portal server and webSphere application server.
- Experience in Planning, Installation and Administration of WebSphere MQ,Message Broker, WTX on various platforms like Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, AS/400, HP - UX and Windows NT/2000, 2003 server, XP platforms.
- Installing and configuring MQ 5.3, 6.0, 7.0, 7.1, 7.5 & MB V6.0, V7.0, V8.0 on various platforms.
- Involved in Planning, Migrating MQ& MB in various platforms.
- Expertise in installing and setting up Q/Process monitoring tools such as Qpasa, Candle, Appwatch.
- Expertise in FTP’s like FTE and Connect direct.
- Experience in developing client-server applications to understand application point of view of EAI.
- Resolved Deployment, configuration, installation and upgrading issues for Development, Test and in Production Environment
- Experienced in creating Broker, Execution group, checking logs etc
- Experienced in deploying Bar files in IBM WebSphere Message Broker
- Involved in applying fixpack and migrationactivities .
- Installing, configuring and testing WMB V6.1 on various platforms
- Experience in working with RDBMS like, DB2, ORACLE and SQL Server.
- Experience in application design using Unified Modeling language (UML), Sequence diagrams, Case diagrams, Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD), Data Flow Diagrams (DFD).
- Expertise in working with XML, DTD, XSL, XPATH, XSD.
- Strong analytical and problem solving skills. Willingness and ability to quickly adapt to new environments and learn new technologies.
Operating Systems: Sun Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, Linux, AS/400OS/390, Windows NT/2000, 2003, XP.
Programming: C, C++, Java, .net
MQ Series Family: WMQ, WMB, WTX, Workflow.
Databases: Oracle, DB2, SQL server, MS Access.
IDE tools: WSAD, Visual Studio.NET
Scripting Languages: XML, HTML, DHTML, Java Script
Application Servers: WebSphere, Apache.
File Transfers: Connect Direct, PM4data
XML tools: XML SPY, Stylus Studio, SoapScope for Web services testing
Monitoring tools: Candle, Qpasa, Autopilot M6, Tivoli, Nastel, BMC
Confidential, Auburn Hills,MI
MQ/Websphere Administrator
Roles& Responsibilities:
- Installed and configured MQ Series on Solaris, AIX, Z/OS and Windows.
- Installed, Configured and Administered WebSphere Application Server ND 7.0/8.5.5.x on AIX and Windows platform for all Test, Dev, Load & Production environments
- Installed and configured IBM DB2 database and setup LDAP security to the Application.
- Created the bindings file in MQ for the JMS applications
- Installed and configured Message Broker on AIX, Solaris and Linux.
- Performed Administration tasks using MQSC commands.
- Created and deployed bar files in the broker
- Setup Broker domains and execution groups
- Setup security in broker by using access control lists
- Setup security in MQ using OAM and SSL
- Setup Veritas clustering for the high availability of the MQ servers
- Integrated files and databases on distributed and legacy systems across the enterprise.
- Developed procedures for daily operation of MQ Series on OS/390, Sun Solaris, HP UNIX, AIX, and Window 2003.
- Highly experienced in administering Unix/Linux Shell scripts to monitor installed J2EE applications and to get information from the logs and database in the required format and other daily activities.
- Experience in managing applications and deployed EARs, WARs on WAS.
- Implemented the clustering environment to achieve Workload balancing and to make the administrative task easy.
- Configured MQ Series network using clustering, distributed queuing and remote administration.
- Preparing automated scripts for queue manager setup.
- Updating and migrating queue manager attributes from MQ V5.3 to V6.0
- Coordinating and documenting software installation/upgrades, production configuration changes and implementation of security updates.
- Developed shell scripts in UNIX.
- Developed automation and monitoring Scripts in conjunction with QPASA for MQ Fail over, Disaster recovery, backup and error handling
- Assign the message flows to appropriate Execution Groups in Broker Runtime Environment
- Developed trigger applications using Java which are deployed in the Process definition to implement the triggering mechanism.
- Provided 24/7 support for the issues.
Confidential, Chicago, IL
Environment: IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0,8.5/8.5.5, WebSphere Portal Server6.1.x/6.0IBM MQ 7.0, 7.1 and 7.5, MB 6.1, 7.0, and 8.0, Linux, AIX, Windows, Mainframes, Nastel, HP Autopilot M6.
Roles & Responsibilities:
- Installed, Configured and administrated IBM WebSphere Application server (WAS) 8.0/7.0, IBM HTTP Server, WebSphere MQ and IIS on IBMAIX, Solaris and Windows environments
- Installed, configured and administrated WAS ND in various software development life cycles
- Created server start up scripts and application deployment scripts for WebSphere.
- Experience in managing applications and deployed EARs, WARs on WAS.
- Deployed, maintained automated scripts for the business processes using Jython/Jacl scripts.
- Configured cluster environments to provide Scalability, Reliability and High Availability for various environments on VMWare.
- Performed migration tasks from WAS 7.1 to 8.0 on AIX and WAS 7.0 to 8.0 on Windows.
- Configured plugins for WebSphere Application Server 7.0/8.0
- Used Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) to monitor overall health of WAS.
- Worked on Updates, Fix Packs, e-Fixes and Refresh Packs for WAS 7.0
- Installed and configured WMQ on Solaris and windows platforms.
- Configured MQ Series Objects (Queues, Queue Managers, listener ports, channels) for providing the interface between various server environments.
- Deployed the Bar files using toolkit and by writing scripts in UNIX.
- Applied Monitoring and Property profiles to the flows.
- Created execution groups and deployed the Bar files.
- Setup remote administration of all the Queue managers.
- Setup SSL and OAM security of the MQ environment.
- Setup FTE monitors to allow file transfers to take place.
- Performed system tests with project teams, troubleshooting, analyzing messaging errors, upgrading Unix/Intel servers in WMQ groups.
- Applied MQ fix packs on UNIX platforms
- Worked with the IBM support in opening PMR’s and troubleshooting the issues
- Setup API’s for the applications to talk to MQ
- Provided 24x7 technical administration services to WMQ/Message Broker server environments in multiple platforms.
MQ Administrator
Environment: IBM MQ Series 6.0 & 7.0, AIX, Linux, Z/OS, Windows 2008.
Roles & Responsibilities:
- Worked as MQ architecture in cluster environments, which have MQ, installed on more than 2500 UNIX servers.
- Trouble shooting issues when the files are not reaching the destination or stuck
- Setup MQ Pub/Sub topologies across the environment
- Setting up the SSL on the channels
- Defining MQ objects by writing shell scripts
- Implemented the clustering environment to achieve Workload balancing and to make the administrative task easy.
- Configured MQ Series network using clustering, distributed queuing and remote administration.
- Preparing automated scripts for queue manager setup.
- Updating and migrating queue manager attributes from MQ V5.3 to V6.0, V6.0 to V7.0
- Coordinating and documenting software installation/upgrades, production configuration changes and implementation of security updates
- Worked closely with the application team in designing the new cluster environment and deploying them in DEV, QA and PROD.
- Installing the latest patches for MQ from IBM
- Worked POC of Multi Instance on Solaris using NSF V4.
- Developed shell scripts in UNIX for checking the health status of the WMQ.
- Provide security by using Object Authority Manager.
- Backup, recovery and trouble shooting for IBM MQ
- Developed automation scripts and Recovery procedures for MQ fail over and disaster recovery.
- Provided Guidelines and procedure for sys admin for installing and testing MQ HA using VERITAS.
- Providing 24/7 on call support for all MQ/MB related issues.
WebSphere MQ/MB Admin
Environment: IBM MQ Series 6.0 & 7.0, MB 6.0 & 7.0, Linux, UNIX, Windows, IBM Tivoli. WebSphere Application Server 7.0/6.1
Roles & Responsibilities:
- Worked on the MQ architecture by setting up standards and procedures according to the requirements
- Worked on XML files and validation of type trees using sample files in WTX.
- Worked on capacity planning and naming standards for the MQ objects
- Installing MQ7, WBIMB 6.1 on Linux, Windows, Solaris, Z/OS and AIX servers
- Defining MQ objects by writing shell scripts.
- Worked closely with the application teams in designing the new environments and deploying them in DEV, QA and PROD.
- Installed connect direct and created nodes to ensure the flow of files.
- Data delivery through Connect Direct in support of 24 hours a day, 7 days a week business operations.
- Installed EARs, WARs and configured the application specific JVM settings, using admin console.
- Created SSL certificates for IBM HTTP Server.
- Deployed applications (EAR/WAR) files on multiple servers/clusters and maintained load balancing, high availability and failover functionality
- Ensured a smooth flow for the inbound and outbound transfers while using connect direct.
- Supervise, instruct and direct the work of other software programmers as it relates to MQ Series including the development of EAI standards and governance processes
- Tuned up the performance of MQ/MB applications
- Setup Tivoli Omegamon monitoring tool for monitoring the MQ and Broker Servers.
- Monitoring queues and channels using the Tivoli Omegamon
- Setup remote administration for all the queue managers.
- Writing API’s using C, Java.
- Setup JMS applications by defining the bindings file using the MQ JMS admin tool
- Setup MQ Pub/Sub topologies across the environment
- Setting up the SSL on the channels
- Setup MQ clusters for high availability and load balancing the messages
- Created the subscriptions, topics etc. in the broker pub sub
- Setup the trigger’s and channel initiators.
- Evaluating and configuring 3rd party software for monitoring MQ Series
- Performance and tuning WebSphere MQ as needed.
- Developed scalable and reliable messaging/queue managers needed to model,
- Integrate, automate, and manage efficient and flexible business processes at the Enterprise level.
- Setup security using the Object Authority Manager.
- Setup HACMP and MSCS for MQ and Broker servers for high availability
- Worked with IBM support to resolve critical issues.
- Worked with the Development team in testing the connection and functionality.
- Tuning up performance of the applications.
- Developed a clear documentation for every request/task related issues.
- Developed and documented all the processes for the migration.
- Supported different environments like Development, QA and production.
- Developed Shell scripts to automate the MQ backup and deploying the Broker Bar files
- Installing the latest patches for MQ and WBIMB from IBM
- Providing 24/7 support for the MQ and WBIMB issues
MQ/websphere Administrator
Environment: IBM MQ Series 5.3, XML, QPASA, DB2, OS/390, AIX, Windows2000.
Roles & Responsibilities:
- Installation, Configuration and Administration of MQ Series Client and Server on AIX, Windows 2000 and OS/390
- Installed and Configured WebSphere 7.0. On Linux Platform
- Defined and Maintained MO objects using MQSC commands.
- Worked on clustering and high availability cluster multi-processing (HACMP) on AIX by reducing the administrative task and balancing the work load
- Implemented MQ security using SSL certificates.
- Installed EARs, WARs and configured the application specific JVM settings, using admin
- Console.
- Experience in monitoring the various MQ Series objects like queues, channels, listeners etc using QPASA.
- Perform business transactions among business allies using FIX format.
- Used Rational Clear Quest for defect tracking on various levels of development of test environments.
- Experience as 24 x 7 administrator on the production environment for MQ Series/WMQ.
- Enabled security for the Admin Console and the application components
- Deployed applications (EAR/WAR) files on multiple servers/clusters and maintained load balancing, high availability and failover functionality
- Created self-styled applications that generate messages dynamically and evaluates the queue depth on the HACMP environment for AIX.
- Developed and maintained test plan design and implementation to verify accuracy of solutions. Developed scalable and reliable messaging/queue managers needed to model, integrate, automate, and manage efficient and flexible business processes at the enterprise level.
- Participated in problem identification and resolution on development, test, acceptance, and production servers.
- Developed setup scripts to backup Queue Manager, its object definitions and authorizations.