Middleware Specialist Resume
Phoenix, AZ
Professional Summary:
- Seven years of professional experience in middleware technologies IBM DataPower, WMB (WBIMB), and WebSphere MQ, WebSphere Application Server.
- Highly qualified in analysis, design and developing architectures of n-tier applications.
- Experience working in full life cycle projects.
- Installing, configuring and maintaining DataPower appliances XS-40 and XI-50 as XML security gateways and XML Integrators.
- Highly experience in providing solutions in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using IBM DataPower devices.
- Used RFHUtil to perform different tasks on WMQ and WMB.
- Experience in implementing Publish/Subscribe topologies.
- Experience in designing WMB as an intermediary for Web Services.
- Worked with MRM and define message sets.
- Experience in creating SOAP messages in WMB messageflows.
- Through knowledge on XML and XSLT.
- Worked on several EAI projects and used different ESB and SOA tools to develop projects.
- Knowledge of different WBI tools like System Monitor, LogViewer, System Manager, and Flow Manger.
- In-depth knowledge of e-business and web technologies (Servlets, JSPs, EJBs, JAVA and JAVA Beans).
- Proficient in programming languages C, C++, Java, and COBOL.
- Experience in trouble-shooting mission critical production systems under extreme pressure conditions and time constraints.
- Experience in writing shell scripts for administration tasks in MQ.
- Knowledge of and experience in Software Development Lifecycle tools andutilizing Software Configuration Management tools
- A proven record in identifying operational problems and providing innovative solutions.
- Exceptional analytical and problem solving skills.
Technical Skills:
Middleware: WebSphere Message Broker (WBIMB/WMQI/WMQSI), WebSphere MQ,
WebSphere MQ Workflow,WebSphere Application Server, and IBM
OS: Windows, UNIX, AIX, Sun Solaris, and HP-UX.
Languages: Java, C, C++, COBOL, PL/SQL, Visual C++, VB, HTML, XSLT, XML, ASP, ANT, PERL and Shell scripting.
Databases: DB2/UDB, SQL SERVER, Oracle.
Web Servers: IBM HTTP Server, Internet Information Server, Apache
Web Technologies: HTML, Microsoft Expression Web, and JSP.
Java Technologies: Servlets, Beans, EJB, J2EE, Networking, JDBC/ODBC, JMS, JNDI, RMI.
Tools: Qpasa, Candle, VISIO, WSAD, UML, RUP, RFHUtil.
Professional Experience:
Middleware Specialist
Client: Confidential, Phoenix, AZ
Aug 2010 – Present
- Responsible for installation, administration and monitoring the DataPower Appliances XS40 and XI50
- Responsible for the definition, planning and execution of all infrastructure activities required to support the DataPower environment.
- Worked with IBM DataPower devices to secure and integrate the web services.
- Configuring XML Firewalls and WebService Proxy along with the required objects
- Creating network routes and configuring Ethernet interfaces on the device as part of the device deployment.
- Creating Application Domains, objects like Web Service proxies, Multi-Protocol Gateways as per the requirements.
- Generated keys, CSRs and self-signed certificates using Crypto tool.
- Created Crypto profiles, SSL proxy profiles as part of SSL implementation.
- Created Load Balancer Groups to load balance the requests to multiple back end points.
- Created AAA policies to authenticate and authorize user requests using LDAP.
- Developed and configured WSDL and XML proxies.
- Experience in working with multiple development and infrastructure teams.
- Performed general operation tasks such as Firmware upgrade, User management, capacity planning etc.
- Developed Message flows to transform messages from XML to COBOL copybook format.
- Worked on XSLT and used XMLTransformation node to transform an XML message to another form of XML message.
- Troubleshot possible problems during the development of message flows containing XMLT nodes.
IBM DataPower, WebSphere Transformation Extender (WTX), WebServices, WebSphere Application Server (J2EE), SOAP, Java, Qpasa, UML, XML, XSLT, SQL, DB2/UDB, Oracle, Windows XP, UNIX, Sun Solaris, and AIX.
DataPower Developer
Client: Confidential, Hartford, CT
June 2009- July 2010
- Designed and developed various services using MPG’s, XMLFW’s, WSP’s on DataPower XI50 to support mediation services for end-to-end service architecture
- Maintained stability of the supported platforms and technical implementations through consistent monitoring / tuning, and participate in the establishment of monitoring tools and alerting threshold definitions
- Designed and Created business processes and ESB mediation flows for auto policy renewals services that interact with various auto quote agencies for policy approval.
- Integrated DataPower with WPS and WMB services as ESB services interface.
- Created security framework/Policies for the DataPower services using SSL, PKI(X.509), AAA,WS-Security for secure communication
- Built knowledge / expertise around understanding performance thresholds and tuning configurations for the supported tools and provide consulting to application areas on constrained design practices
- Integrated and developed services in WebSphere Message Broker with DataPower and WTX
- Collected service related metrics, and work closely with the Platform Architects and Infrastructure / Platform Owners to analyze platform capacity and perform demand management activities (for upcoming application loads or change in existing load profiles)
- Collected learning’s through implementations, design and code reviews, and health checks; translate them into best-practices; and document for establishing group level policies and standards
- Define engagement and operational models for the supported tools and consistently follow implementation of policies and life-cycle models
- Defined design standards to ITIL and CMMI oriented processes and policies
- Created enterprise guidelines and policies to ensure availability to pager and Helpdesk requests for incident resolution related to supported platforms
- Lead problem management discussions through employing an analytical methodology / structure and engaging appropriate resources on a timely basis
DataPower XI50, SOAP, Web Services, WSDL, XSD, XMLSpy, WTX, OWSM, Visio, UML, IT CAM, WSRR, XML, XSLT
EAI Consultant
Client: Confidential, Foster City, CA
July 2008 – May 2009
- Designed and implemented Publish/Subscribe topologies.
- Developed over 30 messageflows to integrate legacy systems.
- Created, configured and deployed various Topics.
- Trouble shooting Websphere MQ Message Broker migration issues from 2.1 to 5.
- Monitoring various MQ objects and debugging ESQL.
- Setting up, monitoring and troubleshooting adapters.
- Worked with Rational Application Developer XSLT debugger to debug the style sheets.
- Performed an XSL transformation by directly using the Xalan-Java transformation engine through its command-line interface.
- Supervision of testing environments.
- Troubleshooting end-to-end connectivity testing issues.
- Parsing messages and setting up and monitoring using log files.
- Designed and created collectives in the publish/subscribe topology to increase the performance.
- Build custom middleware solution using J2EE framework in WAS.
- Maintained WebSphere 5.0 Application server for web applications development and deployment JSP and EJB components on WAS.
- Wrote scripts to handle everyday System Administration tasks such as backup procedure, system cleanup, everyday system tasks, etc.
- Created message sets using MRM import techniques and message flows using ESQL to interface with various systems.
- Created COBOLdefinitions to describe data from outside applications to import into MRM.
- Modified ESQL within Message flow Computeand Filter nodes to simplify processes.
- Troubleshooting problems with message flows where predefined imported formats were used.
- Writing message parsers to work with existing message processing nodes.
WebSphere MB or MQSI, WebSphere MQ, WAS (J2EE), C, C++, Java, UML, XML, SQL, DB2/UDB, Oracle, Windows NT, UNIX, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, and Windows.
IBM Middleware Consultant
Client: Confidential, New York, NY
Nov 2007 – June 2008
- Installed, configured and certifying the WebSphere MQ products and WebSphere InterChange Server (ICS) on AIX, Solaris and Win 2000/NT.
- Provided production support for AIX and Solaris queue managers, including clustered UNIX environments.
- Administered the MQSeries Queue manager, Queues and Channels.
- Involved in the configuration of the Configuration Manager and MQSI Broker.
- Designed and developed XML and MRM based WBIMB Message flows and Message sets.
- Developed the scripts for importing and exporting Message sets.
- Developed SQL stored procedures for usage within message flows
- Used XSLT for the transformation of XML documents into other XML documents and formats.
- Used XMLSpy to develop and debug XML and XSLT based applications.
- Coded the ESQL for WBIMB message flow nodes.
- Troubleshooting and debugging messages flows using Trace nodes and error handling nodes.
- Setup DB2 database for MRM repository and configuration Repository.
- Configured the Oracle and DB2 as the database for Broker runtime environment.
- Designed Class diagrams and state activity diagrams for java classes and using Rational Rose for client applications.
- Worked on WebSphere Application Server, built on J2EE specifications.
- Participating user testing and resolving related issues.
- Monitoring Production & QA WMB environments.
- Setting up WBIMB and MQ environments for new application.
- 24/7 Defect Tracking (Scaling and Fail over) and reporting using MQ series and WebSphere Application Server
- Coordinated changes to WebSphere MQ (CSDs and PTFs) to improve stability.
- Addressed the security issues using SSL and BlockIP.
- Established node-to-node secure communications between external clients and company in the distributed environment.
WBI Message Broker V5.0, WebSphere MQ (MQSeries), WAS(J2EE), MQSeries Integrator (MQSI), WMQI, DB2, Oracle, Windows, OS390, AIX, Java, JDBC, XML, JMS support pack.
MQSeries Consultant
Client: Confidential, Montpelier, VT
March 2005 – Oct 2007
- Supported major e-business project that provided web transactions to back end Customer Information Control System (CICS) by providing MQSeries infrastructure. Project utilized ASP, DHTML, and CORBA among other leading edge technologies.
- Installed, Configured, and administered MQSeries on Windows and UNIX platforms.
- Created and configured MQ Objects like Queue Managers, Remote queues, Local Queues, Queue Aliases, Channels, Clusters, Transmission Queues, Performance Events, Triggers, and Processes.
- Provided training to the application developers in using MQSeries API for JAVA and C.
- Implemented Channel triggering and Application triggering.
- Developed recovery and backup procedures for MQSeries.
- Designed and developed MQSeries Applications.
- Documented MQSeries architecture and design.
- Provide ongoing MQSeries support for various projects.
IBM MQ Series, WAS, C, C++, UML, XML, SQL, DB2/UDB, Oracle, ASP, DHTML, Windows 95/NT/98/2K, UNIX, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, Linux.
- Master of Information Sciences