Middleware Engineer Resume
Foster City, CA
- Having 7+ years IT experience with 5 years of experience in building and administering e - business infrastructure using Web Sphere Application Server, Tomcat, JBoss, IBM HTTP Server, in conjunction with LDAP and MQ.
- Technical abilities include installation, configuration and administration of WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere message broker Server and IBM HTTP Server.
- Installed and configured IBM HTTP Server and Apache web servers.
- Created instances, Enabled SSL and configured rewrite rules.
- Configured WebSphere Application Server using LDAP & local OS registries to enable security
- Configured Oracle & DB2 JDBC resources to connect to the backend database.
- Extensive experience in optimizing performance of WebSphere Application server using Workload Management at Web Server, Plug-in and Application Server Layers.
- Federated nodes to the Deployment Manager and configured scalable applications through Vertical & Horizontal Clustering.
- Experience in tuning the performance at Web Server, plug-in and Application Server layers.
- Configured JDBC & JMS resources, Resource adapters and mail providers.
- Configured plug-in between Web & App with one-to-one and across clusters using round robin fashion and weighted algorithms.
- Experience to use CA Wily Introscope and Tivoli Performance Viewer to monitor infrastructure performance.
- Providing support to application & testing teams during application development and testing phase. Documenting the changes if any and migrating the same to production.
- Experience in migrating applications from WebSphere Application Server V6.X to V7.X and V8.X on UNIX and Windows Platforms.
- Experience in applying fix packs and interim fixes for WAS, Plug-in, JDK and IHS.
- Ability to communicate requirements effectively to application development, network, DB and MQ teams.
- Ability to learn new concepts well versed with group work, strong problem solving skills and good documentation.
- Familiar with generalsecurity concepts (authentication,authorization, encryption, digital signatures, etc),PKI conceptsandSSL
- Managed the Security and Performance optimizations for EJB containers and web applications inWAS,Tomcat,JBoss, IBM HTTP ServerandApache Web Serverand Tomcat Server.
- Experience in implementing andconfiguring SSL,requesting digital certificates,creating self-signed certificatesandimporting/exporting public/private keysonWeb servers
- Extensive experience in administeringWAS 6.X, 7.X, JBOSS 3.2/4.x, WMQ 6.x/5.3,SUN ONE Directory Servers. Web Servers (IBM HTTP Server, SUN ONE Web server, IIS, Apache Web Server) &CA e-trust Site Minder plugin.
- Strong administrative skills, experience indeployment ofEAR,WARandJARfiles along with other resources like database, message queues and access management tools for application security inWebSphere.
- Extensive experience in configuring theHTTPServerfor various clustered application servers usingvirtual hostingand enablingSSLsecurity.
Operating Systems: UNIX, Linux, HP-UX, SolarisVersion 8.9.10, IBM AIX Versions 7.1 and Windows NT/2000/XP.
Web/Application Servers: IBMWebSphere admin 5 /5.1/6.1/V.7.0/V.8.5IBM HTTP Server, Tomcat, Apache, JBoss 4.3/5.1 WebLogic Server 11gR1 PS3 (10.3.4) x
Web Technologies/Scripting: HTML, XML, Java Script, Servlets, JSP, JACL, Jython, XML Config/ ANT/ Shell Scripts
MQ Series: WMQ 6.0/5.3, Message Broker 6.0
Networking & Communication Protocols: TCP/IP, HTTP/HTTPS, RMI/IIOP, SOAP,UDP, Ftp, Sftp, Telnet, SSH, SSL
Confidential, Foster City, CA
Middleware Engineer
- Installation, configuration and maintenance of J2EE applications on Websphere Application Server and HTTP Server in a multi clustered high availability environments.
- Followed a standard software development life cycle (SDLC) paradigm of development.
- Installed and configured IBM WebSphere Application Server 6.0/7.0.x, JDBC drivers along with trouble shooting and recovery on AIX, Linux.
- Installed Jboss Application server and created cluster for high availability and fail over.
- Excellent working knowledge of Jboss middleware and other Jboss Components.
- Involved in Load balancing/Tuning/Clustering for JBOSS Application Server using mod jk.
- Responsible for application changes across different environments like development, QA, UAT and Production.
- Installing and configuring Websphere Express and installing plug-in and configuring with IBM HTTP Server.
- Migration from Websphere Application Server 6.1x to 7.0 Websphere 7.0/8.5 at enterprise level.
- Migration of Websphere message broker 5.3 to 6.0.Involved in creation of MQ resource objects like Queue, Listeners, Channels etc.
- Defining channels using SSL certificates. Designed MQ applications supporting application level security and delivering MQ infrastructural solutions using link level security.
- Administering in multiple operating systems which included clearing queues, modifying object attributes, restarting channel and supporting application development by resolving programming problems with MQI (WebSphere MQ Application Programming Interface).
- Implemented MOM infrastructure to increase portability of application.
- Managed the security and performance optimizations for EJB containers and web applications in IBM WebSphere, IBM HTTP Server and Apache web server.
- Highly involved in SSO portal implementation using Sun One Directory Server and CA Siteminder.
- Installed, configured and integrated Web servers (plug-in file), SiteMinder agents and LDAP user directory with WAS.
- Responsible for SiteMinder Policy server installation and configuration, Webagent/Application agent installation and configuration, setup and maintenance.
- Setup and maintenance of both system and domain objects - Policy Domains/Realms/Rules/Responses/Policies/.
- Developed many JACL, Jython, ANT, Perl, WSCP scripts and shell scripts to automate the maintenance process of the WebSphere and recovered the backed up WebSphere configuration using XMLConfig tool.
- Involved in capacity planning, implementation of Websphere Application server
Environment: IBM WebSphere AppServer 6.1/7.0/8.5. x, JBOSS 4.2, WebSphere MQ 6.x/5.xSun ONE web server 6.0, 6.1, IIS 6.0, SiteMinder 5.5, 6.0, Linux (RedHat,SuSE), AIX, Windows 2000, HP-UNIX 11.0, EJB, JDK, J2EE, JNDI, DB2, IBM HTTP Server.
Confidential, Jersey City, NJ
Middleware Engineer
- Installation, configuration and maintenance of J2EE applications on WebSphere Application Server, JBOSS, HTTP Server in a multi clustered high availability environments.
- Responsible for the administration of WebSphere message broker.
- SSL Mutual authentication for last mile between ESB and Service Provider.
- Completely responsible in deploying, working with various groups like Networking, Firewall and lab facilities.
- Providing 24/7 on call support for deployments as well as application support.
- Involved in SSO portal implementation using Sun One Directory Server and CA Siteminder.
- Installed and configured IBM WebSphere Application Server 6.1/7.0x, JDBC drivers along with trouble shooting and recovery on AIX, Linux.
- Responsible for application changes across different environments like development, testing, UAT and production.
- Migration from Websphere 5.x to Websphere 6.0/6.1 at enterprise level.
- Migration of Websphere MQ 5.3 to 6.0.
- Managed the security and performance optimizations for EJB containers and web applications in IBM WebSphere, IBM HTTP Server and Apache web server.
- Developed many JACL, Jython, scripts and shell scripts to automate the maintenance process of the WebSphere.
- Installed and configured the ISA V4 Workbench, Agent Manager and agents to collect and diagnose problems in remote systems.
- Used ISA to troubleshoot, analyze and resolve issues, collect data automatically and create PMRs and send the required information to IBM.
- Used the tool available in ISA like Thread and Monitor Dump Analyzer, Thread Analyzer, Log Analyzer etc.
- Involved in troubleshooting and performance tuning using Resource Analyzer and Log Analyzer.
- Package, build, Integrate and deploy enterprise J2EE applications on WebSphere x that involves EAR (Enterprise Archives) and WAR (Web Archives).
- Involved in capacity planning, implementation of Websphere 6.x
- Configured Server Groups and Clones for High availability and Fail over capability.
- Ensure application dependencies are integrated on system level components such as database, Data Source Name, and Application Server connection pooling (DB2) including identification and documentation.
Environment: IBM WebSphere App Server 6.0/6.1, JBOSS 4.2.3/5.1, Linux (RedHat, SuSE), AIX, Windows 2000, HP-UNIX 11.0, EJB, JDK, J2EE, JNDI, DB2, IBM HTTP Server.
Confidential, Chicago, IL
Middleware Engineer
- Installed, configured and maintained IBM WebSphere Application server 6.0, JBOSS 4.2.x GA, IBM HTTP Server 6.x, Apache Web Server.
- Maintained on different Platforms like AIX, Sun Solaris.
- Global security configuration for WebSphere Application Server using Sun ONE Directory Server or LDAP user registry.
- Experience in supporting and maintaining the Wily product.
- Involved in utilizing the reporting, data monitoring, and testing functionalities.
- Highly involved in deploying, troubleshooting, maintaining and configuring JEE applications in various environments like DEV, Integration, QA, Stress, UAT and Production.
- Configured Queue Connections Factories, Queue Definitions, and Listener Ports in order to provide connectivity to Enterprise MQ infrastructure.
- Involved in solution architecture of MQ Data-management and data integration techniques.
- Installed and configured Sun One LDAP server(LDAP).
- Designed LDIF file for secured the application server using both LDAP server and Local OS authentication.
- Installed fix-packs, e-Fixes, and cumulative fixes for the existing environment.
- Experienced in applying patches and plug-ins for WebSphere Application server, JBOSS.
- Managed the key-certificate pairs like both SSL Certificates from third party authorities like CA.
- Managed self-signed certificates from PKI Groups for security optimizations for EJB containers.
- Managed Web applications in WAS, Tomcat, JBOSS, IBM HTTP Server and Apache Web Server and Tomcat Servers.
- Managed performance optimizations for JBOSS 4.2.x.GA, WebSphere-ND 6.0 Application Servers by analyzing process dumps, logs and Heap Analyzers.
- Troubleshooting on issues such as out of memory, Memory leaks, hung sessions and Session replication.
- Involved in trouble shooting, Federation of nodes and Synchronization of nodes with NDM for managing server clusters/repositories.
- Monitored for Application core dumps, or forced thread dumps to check for system objects using thread analyzer.
- Involved in the process of deploying and migrating the application from DEV to TEST to QA to PROD and providing 24/7 on-call production support.
Environment: IBM WebSphere AppServer 5.0.2/5.1/6.0 , JBOSS 4.0/4.2, WebSphere MQ 6.0, AIX, Windows 2000, EJB, MDB, SIB, JDK, JEE, JNDI, DB2, IBM HTTP Server and Tomcat 5.x.
Confidential, New York
WebSphere Administrator
- Responsible for setup, Installation, migration, and Administration of IBM WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere, WebSphere Process Server, and WebSphere ESB on Linux, AIX, Solaris, and Windows.
- Installed and Configured IBM HTTP Server on managed and unmanaged nodes, and installed plug-in to route the request the to WebSphere Application server (horizontal and vertical) cluster environment.
- Responsible for Created Libraries, Workflows, site framework, and templates for displaying WCM content.
- Worked on WebSphere components such as Work Load Management (WLM), Servlet Engine, Session Manager, Admin Client and Http-Web Admin tool (thin client).
- Setting up integrated security access to IBM HTTP Server and Single Sign-On to other applications.
- Installed IBM Websphere as primary and secondary nodes in clustered environment and configured with DB2 Database.
- Administered WebSpherePortal applications, which includes configuration, clustering, administration, performance tuning, deploying portlets/ pages, for portal applications.
- Experience in using IBM WebSphere Portal Server 6.0/6.1.5Configuration Properties files, Configuration tasks and Configuration templates.
- Configuring the URL’S in load balancing mode through CSS, GSS and coordinating with Firewall, DNS, CSS, GSS teams in implementing high traffic load balanced URL’s. Configuring the SSL for the clients as per the client request.
- Installation and configuration of multiple instances of IBM Tivoli access Manager Policy Server and Web SEAL servers.
- Implementation and Production Support of TAM 6.1.1 / ITIM 5.0 Environment.
- Provided trouble-shooting and configuration of WebSEAL and all components with-in the TAMeb.
- Setup multiple WebSEAL servers behind a Load Balancer.
- Creating the documentation for the installation and configuration of the applications in the entire four environments (dev, test, stage and prod).
- Extensively worked on Installation of Databases like IBM DB2 v9.1 with Oracle 10g.
- Creating Databases and Users, Configuring Databases, Verifying database connections.
- Changing database passwords that are used by WebSphere Portal and modifying portal ports after portal install on Linux and AIX.
- Experience in Validation of LDAP connections and Enabling LDAP Security using cmd line and config wizard with no-SSL and over SSL for Single and Multiple realms.
- Enabling process integration in a cross-cell environment with Portal server and Process Server.
- Configured Security using LDAP Authentication, Data Sources, namespace binding variables and Java mail on WebSphere Process Server
Environment: IBM WASND 6.0, WebSphere MQ 6.1, JBoss 4.x, Portal 6.0,Process Server 6.2, WI D 6.1, TAM 6..1.1, ITIM 5.0, JNDI, DB2, IBM HTTP Server, Linux, Solaris, AIX 5L, Windows 2003/2005, R3/link,CTG, WSAD, LDAP 6.0.
Java Developer
- Involved in setting up and supporting of the application for various clients.
- Developed Business logic using Java beans and Struts.
- Developed the Apache Ant build scripts for the project.
- Worked on JUnit to develop the test cases.
- Extensively worked on to implement FTP, HTTP and POP3 Adapters.
- Developed and extended automated build systems that enabled developers to build the product line through a centralized web deployment system using ANT Script.
- Used JDBC to retrieve the member related information from SQL Server 2000 back-end.
- Involved in the testing phase of the product and performed quality assurance.
- Implemented session management to create the dynamic application using Action Servlets.
- Created XML files to store the menu related information.
- Maintained Self Developed Scripts developed by my team in Clear Case.
Environment: Struts, Java, AJAX, JSP, Servlets, JDBC, JSF,JSTL,XML, XSLT, Apache HTTP Server, POI, Crystal Reports, Swings, WinCVS, DOJO, IntelliJ Idea 3.x, JNDI, HTML, JavaScript, Apache Tomcat and SQL Server, Windows 2003 Server, Jprobe, JUnit, ANT, Rational Clear Case.