Iib Integration Bus/data Power Developer And Api Connect Consultant Resume
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Fort Worth, TX
- Around 4 years of extensive IT experience Wif Master’s Degree in Computer Science along Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Administration (Installation and troubleshooting) of Integration solutions using API Connect 5.0, Data power XI52, IBM Integration Bus V9, V10, Message Broker 8.0, MQ Series 8.5.
- Strong working knowledge on API - Connect.
- Worked on API Connect upgrades customize advanced developer portal, created API documentations.
- Secured the APIs using OAUTH2.0 authorization flow and basic auth security options.
- Worked on API management console, created REST APIs, added api’s to the Product, created rate limits wif multiple Plans and stage/publish the product to a Catalog.
- All API JSON data are verified for SQL Injection, XSS vulnerability as per InfoSec Confidential Supply Chain Internal Security Standards.
- Performed Architecture, design and develop authentication solutions for External Trading AS2 partner's interface applications using IBM DataPower XB62
- Experience in Design and Development of different Message formats like XML, Flat (PIPE, Fixed Length, CSV, XML) and MRM, EDI, JSON wif Web Sphere Message Broker.
- Very good Experience in developing re-usable components like Sub Flows and Message Flows using different Message Broker Message Flow Nodes.
- Played a key role in architecture related engagements.
- Extensive experience in developing Web services in IIB(Message Broker) and Datapower (Both REST & SOAP Based)
- Good experience wif Production Support, On-call support, Defect & Problem resolution and working wif and opening PMRs wif IBM
- Enabling Triggering onMQqueues based on the requirement of various interfaces.
- Experience in Multi-Tier and Web Enabling the Legacy System wifIBMWeb sphere MQ Series and IBMWeb SphereMessageBroker.
- Strong knowledge in handling themessageswif MRM, IDOC, SOAP, BLOB and DFDL parsers.
- Hands on experience in collecting requirements and developing design documents.
- Well versed wif XML related technologies like XML Schema, XSD, X Path and XSL.
- Configured and Developed WSP, Multi-Protocol Gateway and XML firewall services in Data power.
- Implemented PKI, One -way and two-way SSL implementation in Data power.
- Designed, and orchestrated various web services and message flows in order to facilitate system integration.
- Implemented SOA Governance and Versioning in Data power and Message Broker using WSRR.
- Involved in deploying the EAR files and scripting automated deployment of the applications.
- Administration of Working Application, Application performance monitoring, starting and stopping the application server.
- Developed Interfaces in Integration Bus/Message Broker using File, JMS, SOAP, HTTP, MQ, Collector, Aggregate, Mapping, Compute, Java Compute and XSLT Nodes.
- Developed custom XSLT functions to use in Transformation.
- Experienced in all aspects of the development life cycle, including bottom-up estimates, analysis, design, development, testing, release management, bug fixing and production support.
- Experience in WebSphere Middleware Administration and Application development using WebSphere MQ and MB.
- Highly experienced in MQ, File, Database, XSLT, HTTP, Mapping and SOAP nodes along wif the Transformation, Construction, Routing and Timer nodes
- Experience in writing Error handling flows
- Extensive hands-on setting up Broker domain, developing and deploying message flows and message sets, debugging flows, ESQL coding and administering Message Broker objects
- Experience creating MQ queues and channels and checking their status
- Strong debugging and problem solving skills wif excellent understanding of system development methodologies, techniques and tools.
- Energetic and perseverant self-starter wif excellent analytical, organizational and problem solving skills.
- Experience wif worked on Linux, Unix and Aix environments
- Good Knowledge experience in Tomcat, WebSphere administration, deployment, support and integrating wif heterogeneous databases.
Confidential, Fort Worth, TX
IIB Integration Bus/Data Power Developer and API Connect Consultant
- Gatheird Business requirements and Initial Requirement analysis, creation of design document and impact analysis of new requirements.
- Developed message flows using SOAP request, SOAP input node and SOAP reply node for hosting and calling a Web Service.
- Developed Rest full web service using HTTP nodes.
- Supporting the team in troubleshooting the issues and developing complex logics.
- Prepared technical design document based on source and target xpaths.
- Worked on different kind of nodes like Web sphere MQ, Routing, Soap, HTTP, FTP Timer Nodes,JMS etc.
- Worked extensively wif existing Legacy systems to provide to road map for migration in the ESB layer comprising of Data power and Message Broker.
- Taking care of deployment until CIT/SIT/UAT environment.
- Preparing release sheet for the deployments for other environment like CIT, SIT, UAT
- Administering the MQ Queues through WMQ/WMB Explorer
- Interface discussion wif external systems.
- Understanding mapping and identifying the XPaths for converting XML to IBM IAA XML and from Target response XML to Vice-versa.
- Interacted wif teams on and offshore to ensure that milestones and deliverables in a timely manner.
- Created Functional and technical design documents and for the ESB Migration Phase I.
- Designed and developed reusable sub flows for error, Business exception handling and logging.
- Created AAA Services for Internal and External Authorization.
- Worked wif Message transformations using XSLT, XQuery and Data Power extension functions to support JSON/XML formats
- Configured SSL Proxy profiles and One-way and two-way SSL
- Worked wif Flat messages like CSV, Fixed Length, and Pipe Delimited to translate XML and EDI messages as per the requirements.
- Used File handling nodes to do batch updates using File and FTP Systems.
- Implemented Web services proxy, MPG objects, XML Firewall.
- Created Message flows to Interact wif Back End Databases through ESQL, Java and Stored Procedures. Worked wif DB teams to query analysis and database optimization.
- Developed Message sets and Message models using DFDL and Implemented complex mapping and transformations using Compute, Java Compute, Mapping and XSLT nodes in Integration Bus IIB/Message Broker.
- Worked on ESB and Message Broker 6.0 Migration to IIB 9
- Strong working knowledge on API-Connect
- Create Webservice REST API in IBM Integration Bus v10 and push the deployed bar file to APIManagement Server v5 and published to API Connect Development Portal v5.
- Create web services that expose new and existing data and functionality for our Retail customers.
- Secure API using OAuth 2.0 provider, add catalog-specific properties to API, test a REST API, publish API to the API Connect Developer Portal, customize and deploy applications.
- Test API calls from API Manager v5 to IIB v10 to make sure everything is working fine and developer are obtaining the success result in API Manager v5 and IIBv10
- Manage developer organization, create catalog, configure Developer Portal, define user registry, activate the admin user for Developer Portal and manage user roles and permission in the Developer Portal.
Environment: API Connect 5.0, Data Power XI52, XB60, MQ Series 8.5, IIB 9/10.08, ESB, EDI, XML, Oracle, DB2 on Linux, AS2, RDBMS, XMLSPY, WINSCP, JIRA, Soap UI.
Java Developer
- Gatheird Requirements and prepared Use cases and Sequence diagrams.
- Used Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) to ease the implementation and development of application components.
- Developed Entity and Session Beans
- JDBC used in developing Entity Beans to access legacy data sources.
- Used JNDI for accessing remote objects.
- Developed Servlets to handle HTTP client requests
- Developed JSP for producing dynamic content
- Developed front end pages wif HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Developed Stored Procedures wif Oracle database.
- Extensively used indexes, joins and views.
- Performance tuning and optimization of critical queries.
Environment: Java, XML, Servlets, Java Beans, Weblogic Server, HTML, DHTML, EJB, JavaScript, UML