Websphere Administrator Resume
Professional Summary:
- Over 6 years of IT experience with WebSphere Application Server System Installation, Configuration, Deployment, Administration and Production Support on heterogeneous systems like AIX, Linuxand Windows NT environment with different versions of WebSphere Application Server.
- Involved in creating and configuring profiles, clusters, nodes, node agents for WebSphere Application Server.
- Experience in Installation, Configuration of WebSphere Commerce Server 5.1/6.0.
- Implemented the Work Load Management using clustering.
- Involved in tuning, security, backup, recovery and upgrades of WAS on IBM AIX, Linux (RedHat&SuSE) and windows.
- Created Clusters and instances in WebSphere Network Deployment to support high availability, fail over and implemented horizontal clustering.
- Configured WebSphere Recourses like JDBC Providers, JMS providers.
- Worked with Global Security, SSL and LDAP.
- Worked with Portal GUI for deploying portlet applications, creating pages, adding portlets to page and access control list.
- Involved in customizing portal applications and administering users, pages, and portlets.
- Experience in troubleshooting, applying patches and plug-in for WAS 5.0/6.0/7.0
- Experience in Installation, Configuration of Sessions and Global Security in WAS.
- Involved in migrating WebSphere 6.0 to 7.0 on AIX, Linux and Windows.
- Setting up Virtual Hosts on the Web server, configuring aliases and re-write rules.
- Performance monitoring using tools like Tivoli Performance viewer
- Experience in integrating WebSphere Application Server and Deployment manager with IBM Http server, IBM Directory Server, Sun ONE Web Server, Oracle, DB2 and SQL servers.
- Highly proficient in automating environment builds, administration and deployment operations using standard scripting utilities like Shell scripting.
- Involved in Installing Upgrade Fix Packs and Migrating to latest versions.
- Experienced in applying Refresh packs, Fix packs, Cumulative Fix packs for all versions of WebSphere application server and different flavors of Web Servers
Technical Skills:
Operating Systems:UNIX (AIX/HP), Linux 6.0/7.0, Windows XP/2000/2003 server
Application Servers:Web Sphere 5.0/6.0/7.0
Monitoring Tools: Tivoli Performance Viewer, Thread Analyzer, Log Analyzer, Garbage Collector Tool, Heap Analyzer, FFDC Tool, MemoryDump Diagnostic Tool, IBM Tivoli Monitor.
Databases: IBM UDB 7x/8x, Oracle, SQL Server
Languages: C,C++, JavaScript, HTML, JAVA, SQL, MYSQL, PL/SQL
Web Servers: Apache V2.0.47, IBM HTTP Server V6.0.
ESM/LDAP:Tivoli Access Manager, Tivoli Identity Manager (POC), CA SiteMinder, SecureWay, Active Directory, IDS, Domino
Professional Experience:
Confidential, Chicago, ILApril 11 –Till Date
Web Sphere Administrator
- Installed and configured IBM Http Server, WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment (ND), 6.0/6.1/7.0
- Installed the Refresh Packs and cumulative fixes to WebSphere ND V6.0 environment, for WebSphere, plugins and IHS.
- Involved in deploying the applications both from the command line using Wsadmincommands and from the admin console.
- Installed and configured WebSphere Portal Server 6.0/6.1
- Involved in customizing portal applications and administering users, pages, and portlets.
- Created the Clustering Topology in WebSphere Application Server ND V6.x to achieve Work Load Management (WLM), High availability, Load Balancing and Hardware fail over.
- Installed, configured and Administered WebSphere Commerce Server 6.0 on Windows and Linux platform.
- Configured Web server plug-in to directing dynamic requests to application servers for load balance in clustered environment.
- Installed EARs, WARs and configured application specific JVM settings, Web container parameters using the Admin Console and WSADMIN.
- Updated EARs for both Portal and Commerce servers.
- Involved in Performance tuning such as tuning the web server by specifying the parameters for the maxclient, start servers and maxspareservers. Tuning the Servlet engine and database connection pools. Tuning the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) by specifying the minimum and maximum heap size.
- Used Tivoli Performance Viewer to monitor WebSphere Applications and tuned the environment accordingly like changing the JVM Heap, and Connection Pool sizes.
- Configured WebSphere resources like JVM heap settings, JDBC providers, JDBC data sources, connection pooling, Virtual Hosts, Global Security and SSL.
- Involved with the SSL Certificates missing issues and installed certificates from the backup.
- Involved in issues & Stopping/Starting/Restarting Apache HTTP Server using wsadmin account.
- Involved in Stopping/Starting & Monitoring the logs for Application Server Instances.
- Implemented Horizontal and Vertical Clustering, Performance tuning and trouble shooting of IBM WebSphere Application Server 6.0/6.1.
- Installed EARs, WARs and configured application specific JVM settings, Web container parameters using the Admin Console and WSCP/WSadmin scripts.
- Migrated existing applications from WebSphere V6.0 to V7.0.
- Involved in issues like Application not responding. Application Deployment Errors, Wrong Database host name, Server Hung due to out of memory or thread hanging, Owner ship issue.
- Created, updated and reviewed PMRs and worked closely with the IBM PMR team and application teams for the resolution of the issues.
- Updated Fixpack for Portal Server 6.0/6.1
- Provided 24x7 support forany issues or impact caused by the New Changes.
Environment: WebSphere Application Server 6.0/6.1/7.0,Webspher Portal Server 6.0/6.1, Websphere Commerce Server 6.0, Apache 2.0.47, IHS 6.0/6.1, Tivoli Access Manager, UML, XML, SQL, IBM AIX 5.3, Windows XP, RedHat Linux AS 3.0, TCP/IP
Confidential, Milwaukee, WI Feb10 – Apr 11
WebSphere Application Server Administrator
- Installed and configured fix packs on IBMIHS6.0 & IHS6.1 versions.
- Installed, configured and applied the latest refresh packs and fix packs on Plugin6.0 & Plugin6.1 versions.
- Involved in troubleshooting of IBM HTTP server version 6.0 and 6.1
- Created users and groups in LDAP Servers and mapping them to the enterprise applications running on WebSphere Application Server
- Configuring and maintaining horizontal and vertical clusters.
- Managed portal applications in portal server.
- Involved in customizing portal applications and administering users, pages, and portlets.
- Troubleshoot Admin Server start-up issues, Java code defects after deployment, and class path issues by checking the JVM logs, plug-in logs and the WebServer logs
- Worked closely with developers to define and configured application Servers, Virtual Hosts, Web Applications, Web resources, Servlets, JDBC drivers and Servlet Engines-as well as deployment of EJBs across multiple instances of WebSphere.
- Maintained security, tuning and clustering on Web Sphere Application Server using IBM Webseal Tivoli Access Manager.
- Monitored the logs for Application Server Instances.
- Updated application code from JDK 1.3 to 1.4 using WSAD, RAD and redeployed in a clustered environment.
- Implemented Horizontal and Vertical Clustering, Performance tuning and trouble shooting of IBM WebSphere Application Server 6.0/6.1.
- Applied fix packs to WebSphere Application Server and Portal Server.
- Involved in number of upgrades (Applying Fix Packs) of Web Server instances from development, testing and production.
- Upgraded the Apache HTTP & IBM HTTP server versions 6.0.2 and 6.1 to current ( & on AIX 5.1/5.2/5.3 & HP-UX B 11.11 servers.
- Created users and groups in LDAP Servers and mapping them to the enterprise applications.
Environment: IBM WebSphere Application Server 5.0.2/5.1/6.0/6.1, WebSphere Portal Server 6.0,WebSphere Application Server 6.0/6.1/7.0, IBM HTTP Server 2.0/6.0/6.1, UNIX (AIX 5.1/5.2/5.3 & HP-UX B 11.11).
Confidential, Austin, Texas Jan 09 – Feb 10
Web Sphere Administrator
- Installed, Configured and Administered IBM HTTP Web Servers, Apache V2.0 and IPlanet web servers.
- Responsible for maintenance of the WebSphere Application Servers and Web Servers on different AIX platforms and setting up the development, testing and staging environments for the ongoing application development.
- Configured JDBC provider and data source to connect to the DB2 databases for application data.
- Configured SSL for communication between Plug-in and Application server.
- Implemented horizontal and vertical scaling of WebSphere Application Server (WAS) Advanced Edition in a workload-managed cluster.
- Deployment and troubleshooting of JAR, WAR, and EAR files in clustered environment.
- Enabled SSL and was responsible for installing the certificates and configuring them in the IBM Http Server
- Package, build, Integrate and deploy enterprise J2EE applications on WebSphere 5.0/5.1/ that involves EAR (Enterprise Archives) and WAR (Web Archives).
- Configured and setup Secure Sockets Layers (SSL) for data encryption and client authentication.
- Installed and configured Embedded JMS server
- Installation of Fix Packs, cumulative fixes and interim fixes to overcome the WebSphere application servers problems, based on the recommendation of IBM.
Environment: WebSphere Application Server 6.0/6.1,Microsoft IIS 5.x, IBM HTTP Web Servers V1.3, Apache V2.0 and IPlanet web servers, Big IP sprayer, Windows NT, 2000/2003, Qpasa 2.x, BMC-Patrol 4.x, Java, JMS, JDBC, XML, SQL, TCP/IP, SOAP, Sybase and MS-Access 2000.
Confidential, Cleveland, OHAug 08 – Jan09
WebSphere Administrator
- Installed and Configured WebSphere Application Server 6.1 and IBM HTTP Server 6.1 on Red hat Linux&AIX.
- Involved inconfiguration and performance tuning. Created clusters to manage work load and process failure.
- Created Clusters and instances in WebSphere Network Deployment to support high availability, fail over and implemented horizontal clustering.
- Implemented upgrading tasks to both WAS and IHS by applying fix packs
- Deployment and troubleshooting of JAR, WAR, and EAR files in clustered environment.
- Monitoring error logs, fixing problems and tuning parameters on WebSphere Application Server.
- Monitor, analyze and fine-tune application resources (enterprise beans, servlet etc.) and J2EE runtime parameters such as JVM heap size, memory usage, thread pools etc.
- Involved in troubleshooting with IBM Heap Analyzer and IBM Thread DumpAnalyzer to improve performance.
- Used Tivoli Performance Viewer to monitor WebSphere Applications and tuned the environment accordingly like changing the JVM Heap, and Connection Pool sizes.
- Managed security and performance of EJB containers and web applications by effective distribution of incoming work requests in the clustered WebSphere environment
- Configured IBM LDAP directory access protocol for different levels of user access.
Environment: WebSphere Application Server 6.X, IBM HTTP Server 2.0, WebSphere Process Server 6.0, Tivoli Performance Viewer, AIX 5.3 and Linux.
Confidential, India.Jan 07 – Jun 08
WebSphere Administrator
- Install, configureand maintain WebSphere application server 6.0/ aclustered, high availability environmenton AIX 5.3 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.1.
- Involved in infrastructure setup, configuration and performance tuning. Created clusters to managework load and processfailure.
- Package and deploy enterprise J2EE applications on WebSphere 6.0/
- Migrationof existing applications from WebSphere to 6.x.
- Monitor, analyzeandfine-tune application resources (enterprise beans, servlet etc.) and J2EE runtime parameters such as JVM heap size, memory usage, thread pools, database connection pools etc.
- Used Resource Analyzer and Log Analyzer for performance tuning and troubleshooting
- Created User roles and groups for securing the resources using Local OS Registries.
- Performed extensive Work Load Management and used EDGE components to configure applications for high availability.
- Configured LDAP using SunOne directory server for user authentication.
- Use Tivoli Performance Viewer to monitor and fine-tune JVM parameters such as verbose GC, min/max heap size, servlet caching, thread pool count etc. Used WSAdmin tool to run scripts, deploy applications and manage run-time server operations.
- Involved in 24 X 7production support on a rotation basis.
Environment:WebSphere Application Server 5.X/6.X, IBM HTTP Server 2.0, WebSphere Process Server 6.0, Tivoli Performance Viewer.
Systems Administrator
Confidential, India Nov 05 to Jan 07
- Installation and troubleshooting of complete range of IBM series family of products like servers, rack mounted systems and configuring peripheral devices such as disk arrays tape drives, graphics accelerators, memory modules, networking, and printer products..
- Administered, installed, tuning and performance of AIX and Microsoft Window servers.
- Installed and Upgraded AIXand installed patches via NIM.
- Defined and setup network protocols, Network File Services (NFS), and NetworkInformation Services (NIS).
- Monitored the system security, load and performance over DCE.
- Configured and monitored the network for optimum throughput.
- Administered network (TCP/IP) for security over DCE
- UNIX tools installation and configuration.
- User and group administration
- Security, users, groups’ administration and daily backup and restore operations, networking service, performance, and resource monitoring
Environment:RedHatLinux, TCP/IP, Java, C and C++,NIS, NFS, IBM series