Websphere Portal Consultant Resume
- 15 years Java/JEE application development experience specializing in JEE application on IBM WebSphere platform. Excellent organizational, analytical, and problem - solving skills working in a fast-paced, multi-project, deadline driven environment as a team member or leader. Strong work ethic, goal oriented, proactive, diligent, and fast learner.
WebSphere Platform: WebSphere Application Server(v3.5/4.x/5.x/6.x), WebSphere Portal Server(5.x/6.x), WebSphere Application/Enterprise Developer(v4.x/5.x), IBM Rational Application Developer (6.x/7.x), VisualAge for Java.
Programming: Java, JEE(EJB, JMS, JDBC, JNDI, JSP, Servlet, JavaMail, etc.), XML, SQL, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML/DHTML, C/C++, Assembly
Application Framework: Struts, Spring, Hibernate, JSF, Axis Web Service SOAP WSDL, ehcache, Velocity, Jasper Report
Object Oriented Design: UML, TogetherSoft
Methodologies: Service-oriented architecture, Feature Driven Design and Programming, Extreme Programming(XP)Database: IBM DB2 Universal Database, Oracle, MS SQL server, MS-Access
Portal Development: WebSphere Portlet, JSR168 Portlet with Struts framework
Environment: Windows, Unix/Linux, AIX
Websphere Portal Consultant
- Lead and develop IBM Websphere Portal project for all American AUTO, Outboat, and Motorcycle dealerships selling Suzuki products. It provides dealerships a place online to do daily business such as register Suzuki products, locate particular product, transter product from different dealership, etc.
Senior Program Analyst
- main person that maintaining and supporting MVR and CLUE applications in production, J2EE applications with SOA architecture. They are used by multiple internal applications in different environments through Websphere MQ to communicate with multiple vendors via TCP/IP or FTP. Also providing 24-7 production supports for all Enterprise Middle Tier Services applications.
Senior Java Developer
- Maintained and upgraded Java Swing Applications for Movie Studios' production budgeting and scheduling. Production level products have been release either on CD or through axium online estore.
- Led/developed in both WebSphere portal and JSR168 Portal with Struts Framework, running on WebSphere Portal Server 5.x/6.x, development. They were used to managing digital contents with Stellent Content Server for multiple clients. They provided movie studios a secure, role-based management web Built and configured Axium online eStore by modifying 3rd party J2EE software to meet Axium's specifications, including Struts, JSP, Hibernate, Velocity, etc.
- Re-factored and re-coded existing Web Applications to be consistent across multiple browser platforms, to using open source framework, such as Struts, Hibernate, and JasperReport. Also Applied WebSphere security to all these web applications.
Web Application Specialist/Architect
- Executed database design, security design, architecture design, implementation, and deployment of Multi-Layered Online Interchange Mechanism between Ad Agencies and Ad Space Providers(Java Enterprise Application Project using Struts Framework with XML access support). Also integrated U.S. Census Information with this project to support geographic/demographic searches, developed application for server XML access support.
- Implemented Delivery Platform(Server/Client) project. Contributed in architecture, database design, GUI design for client application, implementation, and deployment. Embedded QuickTime Player in Client, integrated java FTP, JavaMail capability in Server, and implemented multi-thread download manager in Client.