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Websphere Administrator Resume

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San Antonio, TX


  • 7+ years of experience in supporting3rd party applications including development, testing, UAT& production for customer client applications.
  • Worked in different industries including financial, automotive, energy, communications sectors with 6+ years experience as Middleware Engineer with administration of Middleware components such as IBM WebSpherev 6.0/7.0/8.0/8.5, JBOSSv5.1/6.0/7,Tomcat and Apacheweb server, CA SiteMinder and Sun Directory server.
  • Extensive Experience in Design, integration, deployment and administration of J2EE Application servers - WebSphere v 6.0/7.0/8.0/8.5, and JBoss v6.0/7Application Server across UNIX, Windows and Linux platforms.
  • Expert in Software installation, maintenance, fixes, upgrades, general administration, troubleshooting and performance tuning of Enterprise Applications deployed on Application Servers and Webservers IBM WebSphere, JBoss, Tomcat, and apache.
  • Created, configured and administered profiles, several clusters, Nodes and Node groups for WebSphere Application Server.
  • Working knowledge of IBM MQ Series on UNIX, Linux and Windows environments and exposure to distributed queuing architectures.
  • Experience in all stages of implementing the Workload Management (WLM) using vertical and horizontal clustering.
  • Experienced in various operating systems including Linux, Unix, Sun Solaris and windows.
  • Installing SSL certificates, configuring Single Sign On, configuring Siteminder, WebAgent to implement Security, and enabling Global Security for the Application Server.
  • Created Cron jobs for timely running of jobs. Developed startup, shutdown, back-up and recovery scripts for Web Servers and Application servers.
  • Highly skilled in creating SSL using iKEYMAN, Console and command line tools like gsk7cmd and keytool.
  • Strong knowledge and experience on release engineering tools like Jenkins, SVN Repository, Nexus and Maven.
  • Experience in deploying applications with High Availability and Fail over functionality in clustered environment.
  • Maintenance and Integrating IBM WebSphere Application Server(WAS), WebSphere MQ Series, Apache Tomcat, JBoss, Apache Http Server, IHS & SunOne Webserver's.
  • Developed JACL, JYTHON, ANT and shell scripts to automate the maintenance of WebSphere Application Server v5..x/6.x/7.x.
  • Experience in integrating databases like Oracle, UDB/DB2, and SQL Server for Web Sphere Connectivity.
  • Managed Memory Leaks, tuned application server’s heap size, perm size and monitored error log files & messages for optimized performance of application Server.
  • Monitoring applications and based on the results tuning the application server to enhance the performance of the application.
  • Experienced in troubleshooting and monitoring tools, including Tivoli Performance Viewer, Thread/Heap Analyzer, and Performance Tuning of JVM’s using Wily Introscope, VMware Hyperic.


Middleware: Websphere App Server v5/6/7/8.x, WMQ v5.3/6.0/7.2,JBOSSv4x/v5x/6x,Apache Webserver v1x/2x, IHS v6.0/7.0/8.0, Microsoft IIS, Sun One webserver,Iplanet.

Virtualization Technologies: VMWare Vsphere/VCenter/Workstation, Citrix Xenapp server/desktopDatabase Systems: DB2, Oracle 8i/9i/10g/11i including RAC, Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2007/2010, Informix dB

Enterprise solutions: Sun Java Enterprise System, Sun One LDAP Directory/Identity Server, SOA, OOAD, Oracle SOA Suite

J2EETechnologies: Servlets, EJBs, JDBC, JNDI, LDAP, JMS. JDK v6/v6/1.4.x/1.3.x, JAAS, Javascripts, JNI, Applets/Java Plug-in, JMX,JVM, Jython, ANT, Json, JSP, Servlets

Operating Systems: HPUX 11.11ii/11.23, Solaris v8/9/10, RedHat Linux v4/5/6/7(RHEL), Fedora Linux, WindowsServer 2000/2003, Wintel, Suse Enterprise Linux, WinCE v5/v6, WES7/9

Network Protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, LAN, WAN, IPv4/v6, TCP/IP, UDP& Telnet.

Performance Monitoring Tools: Tivoli Performance viewer, VMware Hyperic, BMC Patrol, Custom, Wily Introscope


Confidential, Atlanta, GA

WebSphere Engineer


  • Installed and configured IBM Http Server, WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment (ND) on windows 2003, 2008, Linux, AIX and Solaris.
  • Installed and configured both IBM HTTP Server v7.0/8.0/8.5 and Apache Web Servers, plugins, configured the web-server interfaces (plugin file), session management, virtual hosts, Data Sources, HTTP transports for Application Server instances and applications.
  • Installed Fix packs, Cumulative Fixes and Refresh Packs on the Base and ND Versions.
  • Created and Installed SSL certificates in DEV, QA and Prod Environments to enable secure connection.
  • Installed SiteMinder webagents and configured the webservers to communicate with the policy server.
  • Knowledge on Ant, Maven and Shell scripts to automatically compile, package, deploy and test J2EE applications to a variety of WebSphere platforms.
  • Migrated existing applications from WAS 7.x to 8.x using WAS pre-upgrade and WAS post-upgrade tools on Sun Solaris to Linux.
  • Configured mail providers Confidential cell scope and made available to all the applications deployed (One application per cluster) in shared environments.
  • Configured the Global Security on WebSphere using IBM Directory Server and created Users and Groups, assigned different authorization roles for each user and secured the admin console.
  • Implemented creation of Server groups and clusters in WebSphere Application server and cloning of servers and provided extensive support in deployment, change management and application level troubleshooting for the Dev, Test, Pre-Prod & Production environment.
  • Automate application install, uninstall and application enhancements through shell scripts WSCP, JACL, Jython scripts using 'Cron' and ' Confidential ' job scheduling utilities.
  • Experience in configuring SSL for web servers, requesting and installing secure certificates, enabling global security using LDAP registry and single sign on.
  • Worked on enabling WebSphere global security using Local OS and TDS LDAP(LTPA mechanism), SSL configuration, ordering digital certs, creating key database using ikeyman and keytool tools, import/export certs and create self signed certs.
  • Package, build, integrate and deploy enterprise J2EE applications on WebSphere 5.x/6.x that involves EAR, JAR, WAR files using ANT scripts.
  • Provide proactive Monitoring and permanent fix for any issues. Take Lead to completion of issues by working with IBM Support through PMR.
  • Involved in transitioning J2EE applications from quality assurance to production environment on AIX & RHL Platforms.
  • Build partnership with the Middleware Engineering team and other IT teams to improve the turnover and automation of Middleware technology administration.
  • Worked with System Administration, DB and Network teams to resolve issues.
  • Effectively interacted with the users on a daily basis, decreasing downtime and increasing user productivity.
  • Troubleshoot software problems, and interact with IT staff in performing complex testing, support and troubleshooting functions.
Environment: IBM Websphere Application Server 5.1/6.x/7.x/8.x, Borland Star Team 2008, Slick Edit, Confidential Compare 2.5.2, Oracle SQL developer 1.5.1, Norkom 6.1.1,6.1.2, WPS 6.0/6.1, IBM HTTP server, Sun One WebServer 6.1,Apache tomcat6, WBIMB, WebSphere Process Server 6.1, EJB, JSPs, Servlets, XML, JDBC, DB2, Sql Server 2000/2005,Sun Solaris v 2.8,z/OSv1.8, Wily 7.2, WebLogic 8.x/10.x,Solaris 10,AIX, Linux and Windows2000/NT,TAM6.1, SunOne Directory Server 5.3, SiteMinder V6.0.

Confidential, San Antonio, TX

WebSphere Administrator


  • Installed, configured and administered IBM WebSphere Application Server v6.x/7.x/8.x and IBM HTTP server v6.1/7.0 on Linux and AIX platform.
  • Installed and configured JBoss 6.0 and integrated Apache Web Server to work with the Application Server.
  • Installed and configured fix packs on IBMIHS6.0 & IHS6.1 versions.
  • Installed, configured and applied the latest refresh packs and fix packs on Plugin6.0 & Plugin6.1 versions.
  • Upgraded the Apache HTTP & IBM HTTP server versions 6.0.2 and 6.1 to current ( & on A*IX 5.1/5.2/5.3 & HP-UX B 11.11 servers.
  • Migrated existing applications from WebSphere 6.0/6.1.x to 7.x/8.x.
  • Configured plug-ins which allows requests to be proxies from a IIS to WebSphere server.
  • Configured to receive requests from multiple virtual websites to WebSphereserver.
  • Deployed applications on WebSphere Server and maintained Load balancing, High availability and Fail over functionality.
  • Developed several key tools including UNIX scripting to monitor applications & reduced deployment time delivery for several applications.
  • Created users and groups in LDAP Servers and mapping them to the enterprise applications running on WebSphere Application Server.
  • Configuring and maintaining horizontal and vertical clusters.
  • Managed portal applications in portal server.
  • Involved in customizing portal applications and administering users, pages, and portlets.
  • Worked closely with developers to define and configured application Servers, Virtual Hosts, Web Applications, Web resources, Servlets, JDBC drivers and Servlet Engines-as well as deployment of EJBs across multiple instances of WebSphere.
  • Updated application code from JDK 1.3 to 1.4 using WSAD, RAD and redeployed in a clustered environment.
  • Implemented Horizontal and Vertical Clustering, Performance tuning and trouble shooting of IBM WebSphere Application Server 6.0/6.1.
  • Applied fix packs to WebSphere Application Server and Portal Server.
  • Involved in number of upgrades (Applying Fix Packs) of Web Server instances from development, testing and production.
  • Maintained security, tuning and clustering on Web Sphere Application Server using IBM Webseal Tivoli Access Manager.
  • Monitored the logs for Application Server Instances.
  • Involved in troubleshooting of IBM HTTP server version 6.0 and 6.1.
  • Troubleshoot Admin Server start-up issues, Java code defects after deployment, and class path issues by checking the JVM logs, plug-in logs and the WebServer logs.

Environment: IBM Websphere Application Server 5.1/6.0/6.1, Borland Star Team 2008, Slick Edit, Confidential Compare 2.5.2, Oracle SQL developer 1.5.1, Norkom 6.1.1,6.1.2, WPS 6.0/6.1, IBM HTTP server, Sun One WebServer 6.1,Apache tomcat6, WBIMB,WebSphere Process Server 6.1, EJB, JSPs, Servlets, XML, JDBC, DB2, Sql Server 2000/2005,Sun Solaris v 2.8,z/OSv1.8, Wily 7.2, WebLogic 8.x/10.x,Solaris 10,AIX, Linux and Windows2000/NT,TAM6.1, SunOne Directory Server 5.3, SiteMinder V6.0.

Confidential, Dallas, TX

IIB/Websphere administrator


  • Installed, configured, administered and supported WebSphere Application Server 6.1/7.0 on Linux, Solaris and Windows environment.
  • Created server groups, clones for WebSphere Application Server 6.1.
  • Installed and configured IBM Websphere MQ v6.0 on AIX, Sun Solaris and Win NT machines.
  • Migrated existing applications from WebSphere 6.x/7.x to 8.x.
  • Integrating enterprise-wide J2EE applications and deploying using Websphere Application Server Application Assembly Tool and managing security policies for different applications.
  • Managed connection pooling and registering web applications (Servlets, JSP) on WebSphere.
  • Used Resource Analyzer and Log Analyzer for performance tuning and troubleshooting.
  • Created user roles and groups for securing the resources using Local OS Registries.
  • Written many WSCP scripts and shell scripts to automate the maintenance process of the WebSphere and recovered the backed up Websphere configuration using XMLConfig tool.
  • Developed EJB components that are run in IBM WebSphere 6.1 Application Server in UNIX on SUN Solaris environment.
  • Developed UNIX shell scripts, Jacl scripts which automates the Websphere Administration (recycling the application server, deploying customer applications, logs rotation, monitor applications state, etc,).
  • Monitoring All Servers, shutdown and boot up, Network Support and Troubleshooting.
  • Involved in troubleshooting and providing technical assistance for Web Hosting team on various Application and Web Servers including IBM HTTP Server, Apache Web Server, JBOSS and iPlanet Enterprise Server.

Environment: WebSphere Application Server 7.0/8.0, IBM HTTP Server, Apache Web Server, JBOSS, iPlanet, LDAP, Linux, Solaris, Windows, JCAL, JYTHON, PERL, JDBC, JSP, EJB, Dtrace, Strace, NetIQ, AST, ISA, SSL.


Websphere administrator


  • Installation, Configuration of Web sphere application server v7.0/8.0 for clustered environments, creation of data sources, queue destinations, connection managers, listener ports.
  • Assessed security configurations, a security policy & procedure review, and re-designed the services.
  • Installed Fix packs, eFixes, and cumulative fixes to the existing infrastructure and new environment.
  • Configured Secure Sockets Layers (SSL) for data encryption and client authentication
  • Configured IBM HTTP Server by creating DNS alias names, assigning ports, transporting and pointing multiple plug-in files to serve various instances
  • Configured Global security for WebSphere Application and using LDAP user registry.
  • Proposed High Availability Application Server infrastructure.
  • Utilized skills in perl, batch, shell, and wsadmin/jacl scripting to automate deploying updating, applications, migrating data and automating batch jobs
  • Federated and Un-federated the Nodes to the DMGR Production, where the physical servers are decommissioned from local data center to remote data center.
  • Installed NetIQ Agents on the WAS Infrastructure and configured with help of NetIQ admin.
  • Installed and configured resources like JDBC providers, JDBC data sources, and connection pooling.
  • Analyzed Error and Event log files and diagnosed Application Server problems using IBM Profiling & Diagnostic tools like AST, ISA.
  • Worked with diagnostic and debugging tools such as Dtrace, Strace, truss and top commands
  • Setup quotas for the user accounts & limiting the disk space usage
  • Performed root-cause analysis for Productions outages and provided management with root-cause analysis report.
  • Deploying and migrating the application from DEV to QA to PROD.
  • Escalating the issues to Development team and IBM Support.
  • Providing 24/7 on-call production support.

Environment: WebSphere Application Server 7.0/8.0, IBM HTTP Server, Apache Web Server, JBOSS, iPlanet, LDAP, Linux, Solaris, Windows, JCAL, JYTHON, PERL, JDBC, JSP, EJB, Dtrace, Strace, NetIQ, AST, ISA, SSL.

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