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Senior Documentum Consultant Resume

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Houston, TX


  • 9 years of experience in Content Management Solutions, Web Design, Internet Technologies, Object Oriented Programming and Testing tools with Client/Server and Web based applications including Development of Test Plans, Test Cases and executing test scripts.
  • Experienced in Implementing Content Management Systems using Documentum tools like Developer Studio, Workflow Manager, DFC, DQL, DCM, WCM, Web publisher, Documentum 4i WCM Edition, Documentum API, RightSite Server, Intranet Client, Desktop Client, WDK and Docbasic.
  • Documentum 4.i and 5.i experience in implementing Workflows, Migration, integrating Documentum Applications with LDAP, publishing and archiving, Document Lifecycles, configuration and customization.
  • Expertise in WDK Framework including configuring and customizing Webtop 5.3, DCM 5.2.5 SP2 and Other WDK based clients.
  • Experience in migration and consolidation of docbases.
  • Experience in server side aspects (DFC, DQL, and API) of Documentum 4i/5i environment.
  • Thorough knowledge in version control tools Clearcase, Subversion, Microsoft Visual Source Safe, CVS.
  • Hands on experience in using application servers like Weblogic, IBM Websphere, Tomcat.
  • Designed and Developed web based applications using Java, Servlets, JSP, EJB, XML, HTML, Java Script, EXTJS, VB Script.
  • Thorough knowledge of various RDBMS such as Oracle, SQLServer.
  • Excellent Business communication, cross-cultural and presentation skills.
  • Exposure to validation and 21 CFR Part 11.


Documentum Tools: e-Content Server 4i/5i, Developer Studio, Application Builder Workflow Manager, Workspace, Desktop Client, Intranet Client, Docbasic, DQL,API,DFC 4.x/5.x, WDK 4.x/5.x, Right Site Server, Documentum Administrator, BPM, Web Publisher 4.x/5.x, Web Cache , D6, Captiva, Kofax, WebTop 5.3, DCM 5.2.5, PDF AQUA, Annotation services, CRS, Auto Render Pro, WCM, Site caching service.

Operating Systems: Windows 95/98/NT, Unix and Sun Solaris

Languages: Docbasic, C, C++, Java, SQL, PL/SQL

RDBMS: Oracle 8i & 9i, SQLServer 7.0, MS Access

Web Technologies/ E-commerce: HTML, DHTML, Applets, J2EE (Servlets, JSP, EJB,XML),WebServices

Scripting: JavaScript, VBScript, AJAX, EXTJS

Application/Web Servers: Apache\Tomcat, Bea WebLogic, IPlanet 6.0,Websphere

Tools:Maven, Rational Rose, Toad, JBuilder, Eclipse, WSAD


Confidential Houston, TX

Senior Documentum Consultant

Environment: HP-Unix, e-Content Server 5i, Oracle 9i, Weblogic 8.1, Application Builder, Tomcat, Documentum Administrator, WDK 5.3, WebTop 5.3 SP6, DFC, DQL, Documentum API, JSP and XML.


  • Developed the User Interface to Manage Engineering Import Object.
  • Implemented support for different Import mode Options (Internally Numbered, Externally Numbered, Existing Numbered, Superseding Documents).
  • Implemented pre population of Import settings from existing templates.
  • Support for import of repeating attribute values, special attributes values etc.
  • Developed validation framework to validate the metadata of the documents to be imported.
  • Implemented validation result component to inform the user of the metadata errors during the bulk import process.
  • Implemented Generation and Export of Validation and Import process Reports.
  • Developed completion screen giving a summary of the import process.
  • Developed an unattended variation of the tool, which can be scheduled as a job.
Confidential, Houston, TX Dealworks

Senior Documentum Consultant

Environment: HP-Unix, e-Content Server 5i, Oracle 9i, WebSphere 5.1, Application Builder, Tomcat, Documentum Administrator, WDK 5.3, WebTop 5.3 SP5, DFC, DQL, Documentum API, Docbasic, JDK1.4, JSP and XML.

The Dealworks application will provides Document and Deal Management facilities for the Originations (IBC/M&A, DCM and ECM) and Global Credit Risk Management (GCRM via CIT) globally. The Global Credit risk Management and Credit Origination groups (EMEA) are in need of a deal closure process as well as a credit file and legal loan document application. Dealworks application is designed to streamline this process of reworking the deals. It aims to i) Increase Banker efficiency through re-use ii) improve controls iii) Increase support efficiency iv) increase product and global sharing by providing a) a web based "shared drive" to allow global sharing and version control b) archiving of key documentation c) workflow or deal process d) integrations to other applications to support their Document management needs.


  • Involved in designing the architecture.
  • Involved in the design and set up of BACKUP, Recovery and HA strategy for Dealworks.
  • Installation of HIGH AVAILABLITY Content Server.
  • Upgraded the Content Server , WDK ,DFC from 5.2 SP2 to 5.3 SP5
  • Configured and installed Index Server for FAST SEARCH.
  • Managed the Build and Deployment process in SIT and UAT environment.
  • Coordination with the Offshore Team in India.
  • Performed day to day functions such as creating/ deleting users, groups, server methods and jobs and level 3 support.
  • Implemented Caching Framework for Dealworks using OSCACHE (open source caching framework).
  • Optimized the performance of the system.
  • Developed new workspaces (entry page) for the Dealworks application providing seamless navigation between the docbases.
  • Developed the views for the security folders.
  • Customized the p references to persist the user information in the docbase.
  • Customized advanced search to provide seamless search between the docbases.
  • Customized the object list and search results component to display context menus on click of the data grid row elements.
  • Implemented Drag Drop feature for all the Tree and object list components.
  • Customized Favorites and DRL component to navigate to the containing folder in the workspace and select the document.
  • Developed a Zip feature to Zip & Export folders to Users system.
  • Developed components that integrate with the Application Connectors.
  • Integration of dealworks with FAMIS, CONFLICTS, WORKFLOW EXCHANGE applications.
  • Developed Service and Type based business objects for Dealworks.
  • Designed and Implemented a reporting framework to generate reports for Dealworks.
  • Designed and Implemented KPI reporting to gather the statistical data for Dealworks.
  • Developed a prototype of Dealworks application with keyboard navigation in the workspaces.
  • Developed prototype (poc) of next generation DEALWORKS using EXTJS.
  • Tutoring peers on Documentum and WDK framework.

Creditcards Content Management System

Environment: HP-Unix, WebPublisher 5.2.5, DAB, Application Installer, BEA Weblogic 7.1


  • Creation of Documentum renditioning system using DBOF.
  • Installed and Configured Web Publisher, Web Cache.
  • DocApp creation - object types, lifecycles, Alias sets, groups, users, ACL’s
  • Customizations of modules like webview, advanced search, etc.
  • Created Delivery cabinets and folder structure to integrate with Web Cache Repository
  • Integrated WebView functionality into Web publisher that allowed users to view content in a live web site in WIP and Staging states.
  • Integrated and deployed SCS and SDS (Site Caching and Site Delivery Services) (Webcache and Content Caster).
  • Authoring Templates & Rendition Template's.
  • Developed jobs for updating web application with new delivery cabinet contents.
  • Involved in migration of existing web pages into Documentum.
Confidential, Groton, CT GDMS

Senior Documentum Developer

Environment: Windows NT4.0/2000, Solaris 2.x, e-Content Server 5.2.5, Oracle 8.1.6, Weblogic server 8.1,Tomcat 5x,Developer Studio, Desktop Client, WF Manager, DCM 5.2.5, Documentum Administrator, Intranet Client, WDK 5.2.5, Web Publisher 5.2.5, WebTop 5.3, DFC, DQL, Documentum API, Docbasic, JDk1.4.1, JSP and XML.

The Global Document Management System consolidation (GDMS) project involves two phases: phase 1 and phase 2. Phase 1 is the physical consolidation of all docbases in various parts of the world to one target Solaris server econtent server in Groton, CT. This also involves upgrading docbases from 4i to 5.1. Phase 2 is the logical consolidation of the migrated docbases into one docbase based on the respective business lines.


Phase 1:

  • Installed and configured Documentum e-content server 4.x, 5.x on Solaris.
  • Installed, configured and customized Documentum WebTop 5.x on Windows 2000.
  • Installed and configured WebDav on Tomcat 4.1.27 to work with documentum 5.x docbases.
  • Installed and configured Documentum Administrator on Tomcat 4.0.6
  • Created DocApps in Documentum Application Builder and installed Users, Groups and ACL’s for development, test and production docbases.
  • Developed scripts to migrate docbases from pre 5.x versions of documentum to 5.x version. This script can be used to migrate any post 3.x docbases.
  • Analyzed user requirements and came up with various customizations to the existing Documentum WebTop interface and functionality using Java, JSP and XML
  • Developed a docbasic script to assign ACLs to all documents based on various criteria including location of document in docbase, owner of the document, group that the owner belonged to etc.
  • Migrated docbases from Sandwich (England), Ann Arbor (Michigan) and La Jolla (California) to Groton (CT)
  • Interacting with the business to gather requirements for Phase 2.

CMMT (Content Migration and Mapping Tool):

  • Developed a mapping tool (CMMT) to prepare the source documents for migration during GDM Phase II. The tool provides an easy to use interface to enrich and map the metadata of documents from the source docbase to the target docbase. The enriched information is stored in Oracle as registered tables. CMMT offers capability for users to map documents to any one from 146 object types with hundreds of attributes shared between them.
  • Implemented security features whereby only users to whom documents were assigned (using an Assign Tool) can map the documents. Also, documents can be approved or rejected only by QA’s.

Phase II:

Pharmsci GDMS:

  • Installed, configured and customized Documentum Doc Control Manager (DCM) in Solaris and also configured PDF Aqua to work with it enabling users to view PDF renditions of documents automatically if one exists for that document with appropriate watermarks based on the lifecycle state the document is in.
  • Installed, configured Annotation Services and Content Rendition Services for Pharmsci GDMS System.
  • Resolved a bug in Documentum DCM. The BUG involves unable to attach lifecycle state to documents during creation, check-in and import operations. De-compiled the source files of DCM and discovered an improper call to java methods in all the files concerned. Changed server-config object to locate the java method server.
  • Developed a table management component in J2EE (Java, JSP and XML) for maintaining registered tables. The Table manager provides an easy-to-use interface to users for adding, deleting and modifying data. It also comes with high security features limiting the capability of users based on various criteria.
  • Developed a Legacy Document Conversion Utility (LDCU) Tool that converts legacy documents documents migrated from a legacy docbase to Pharmsci control documents. The user is provided with a user-friendly interface that provides the capability to select a target doctypes, target folder in the destination docbase, an attributes screen to fill up all attributes corresponding to the target doctype and a lifecycle state (default being draft) that the user can pick.
  • Customized DCM auto naming feature such that the Pharmsci document will be named based on a specific metadata of the document.
  • Customized the workflow services to make workflows to be supported in DCM.
  • Customized the property, checkin, import component such that the attributes to be displayed will be read from an xml file using java Dom. The XML file is stored in the docbase and can be edited by checking out the document there by avoiding deployment of a new war file for every configuration change.
  • Developed a rules component that provides an easy to use interface to store the rules associated for each document type. The rules will be used in the property and import component to auto fill the metadata values of the document.
  • Developed the Pharmsci help component for Pharmsci GDMS. The help component reads the information from an xml file that resides in the docbase using java Dom.
  • Developed Cron Jobs and monitoring tools in Java and UNIX shell script to monitor the operation of PDF Aqua, Java Method Server, Content Rendition Services, and Annotation Services and restart appropriate services and automatically notify people concerned.
  • Deployed applications and managed BEA Weblogic 8.1, IPlanet 6.0 and Tomcat Apache 4.x, 5.x servers.
  • Resolved the Content Transfer Bug in Pharmsci GDMS. Failure to write the registry values in client machine make the content transfer applet download related operation import, create, checkin to fail.
Confidential, Atlanta, GA Customer Care Contract System

Lead Software DeveloperEnvironment:

Windows NT4.0/2000, HP-Unix, e-Content Server 4i/5i, Oracle 8.1.6, IPlanet Server, Right Site Server 4.1,Developer Studio, Desktop Client, AutoRender Pro, WF Manager, DCM 1.3.1, Documentum Administrator, Intranet Client, WDK 4.0/5.0, WebPublisher 4.2/5.2, WebTop 5, DFC, DQL, Documentum API, Docbasic, Jdk1.4, Java 2, JSP and XML. CCCS is an electronic, interactive care environment designed to enhance the management of contracts. The system will centralize the creation and maintenance of templates, contract data and customer information activities of wholesale customers.

Rate Mechanization: Billing rate spreadsheets are maintained as related documents in the CCCS system. When contracts are activated or amended, the BBI group will be notified by email. The BBI specialist then login to CCCS and manually enters the rates into the product catalog interface. This process along with the auditing of rates takes approximately 4 weeks for each activated contracts. The RateMech project mechanizes the flow of the billing rates from CCCS to the product catalog.


  • Involved in designing the application from the requirements.
  • Customization of the checkin, import operations to validate attachments, agreements, templates, billing views.
  • Developed java programs to perform the validations on the spreadsheets, OSS cleanup of Billing view spreadsheets.
  • Created and Tuned complex Stored Procedures for faster execution according to the user requirements in Oracle.
  • Developed/ customized AutoRender Pro plug-in to enforce watermark on PDF files for all contracts that are not active.
  • The task involves developing macros for both excel and word applications to enforce water mark.
  • Modified the workflow to allow the negotiators to demote the contract to the initial state and the customers to demote the contract to the internal review state.
  • Developed docbasic scripts to delete and regenerate the PDF files associated with the contract when the contract is modified or when the contract is demoted to the initial state or to the internal review state.
  • Enhancing the CCCS application by providing the following features.
  • Mechanization of the process of creating attachments from a list of rate matrix files.
  • Created an interface to allow Billing users, administrators to retrieve customized DUF rate information.
  • Implemented a search feature to retrieve the DUF rates based on state, customer name and other criteria’s, the retrieved rates are then generated to an excel compatible file.
  • Involved in preparing the system documentation and user manuals.

Confidential, Document Management System

Documentum Developer

Environment: Windows NT4.0/2000, Solaris 2.x, e-Content Server 4i, Oracle 8.1.6, Weblogic server, Right Site Server 4.1,Developer Studio, Desktop Client, WF Manager, DCM 1.3.1, Documentum Administrator, Intranet Client, WDK 4.0, WebPublisher 4.2, DFC, DQL, Documentum API, Docbasic, Jdk1.3, Java 2, JSP and XML.

Raymond James Financial is a diversified financial services holding company whose subsidiaries engage primarily in investment and financial planning, asset management, banking and cash management, and trust services. Customer service is a critically important competitive differentiator for Raymond James. Customer services representatives (CSRs) must have access to current, accurate information all times to respond to customer inquiries.We implemented a system to improve the availability of accurate, current information to these CSRs. Using Documentum, we built workflow and lifecycle models to drive the approval process based on the type of content and its subject matter. These models assure that the content is reviewed by the appropriate experts and automatically updated after all checks and balances are approved.


  • Involved in designing the architecture.
  • Involved in Configuration, Deployment of Documentum, WDK, Developer studio.
  • Implemented functionality for creation of new Document, Search, Editing, Assembling, depending on users and document types which will go through a controlled process using WDK framework.
  • Performed day to day functions such as creating/ deleting users, groups, server methods and jobs.
  • Developing Docbasic scripts for back end processing of tasks. Scheduling and configuring these Administrator jobs over Documentum.
  • Developed customized workflows, lifecycles, jobs and methods using Documentum tools.
  • Packaged and deployed objects as a Doc-App using developer studio.
  • Developed custom Procedures, Methods and Jobs.
  • Involved in unit testing.

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